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Book cover Title Author
The Kingdom of Swaziland: Studies in Political History by D. Hugh Gillis D. Hugh Gillis
Swaziland World Bibliographical Series: Volume 24 by Balam Nyeko Balam Nyeko
Sudan by Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alsir Sidahmed Abdel Salam Sidahmed and Alsir Sidahmed
The Struggle of John Brown Russwurm - The Life and Writings of a Pan-Africanist Pioneer 1799 - 1851 by Winston James Winston James
Namibia World Bibliographical Series Volume 53 by Elna Schoeman and Stanley Schoeman Elna Schoeman and Stanley Schoeman
Caprivi an African Flashpoint - an Illustrated History of Namibia's Tropical Region where four Counties Meet by Rainer D.K. Bruchmann Rainer D.K. Bruchmann
A History of Resistance in Namibia by Peter H. Katjavivi Peter H. Katjavivi
A history of Namibia - From the beginning to 1990 by Marion Wallace and John Kinahan Marion Wallace
BattleFront Namibia - An Autobiography by John Ya-Otto, Ole Gjerstad and Michael Mercer John Ya-Otto, Ole Gjerstad and Michael Mercer
Herore Heroes - A Socio- Political History of the Herero of Namibia 1890 - 1923 by Jan-Bart Gewald Jan-Bart Gewald
Carrying the Sun on our Backs: Unfolding German Colonialism in Namibia from Caprivi to Kasikili by Effa Okupa Effa Okupa
The Devils are Among Us - The War for Namibia by Denis Herbstein and John Everson Denis Herbstein and John Everson
Namibia - Land of Tears, Land of Promise by Roy J. Enquist Roy J. Enquist
Environmental Change in Lesotho: An Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Land-Use Change in the Lowland Region Pendo Maro
A History Of Ethiopia by Harold G. Marcus Harold G. Marcus
The Battle of Adwa- Reflections on Ethiopia's Historic Victory against European Colonialism Paulos Milkias et al.
One People, One Blood: Ethiopian-Israelis and the Return to Judaism by Don Seeman Don Seeman
Ethiopia (Modern World Nations) Carlo Ann Gillespie
Angola: Oil, Broad-based Growth, and Equity World Bank
Modern African Wars (2): Angola and Mocambique 1961-74 by Peter Abbott and Manual Ribeiro Rodrigues Peter Abbott
From Gqogqora to Liberation: The Struggle was My Life by Theodore Combrinck and Philip Hirschsohn
Diamond Diggings of South Africa, a Personal and Practical Account by Charles H. Payton Payton, Charles Alfred, Sir,
Africa in Today's World by Max Coleman Max Coleman
The small matter of a horse: The life of 'Nongoloza' Mathebula, 1867-1948 by Charles van Onselen, 04 January 2012 ( Charles van Onselen
Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare by Kwame Nkrumar Kwame Nkrumah