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Book cover Title Author
Slaves to Racism An Unbroken Chain from America to Liberia by Benjamin G. Dennis and Anita K. Dennis
The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship With Apartheid South Africa by Sasha Polakow-Suransky Sasha Polakow-Suransky
The First Sudanese Civil War By Scopas S. Poggo Scopas S. Poggo
Me Against My Brother by Scott Peterson Scott Peterson
Armies of the Adowa Campaign 1896: Italian Disaster in Ethiopia by Sean McLachlan Sean McLachlan
Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire by Anne Norton Anne Norton
Reshaping Remembrance: Critical Essay on Afrikaans Places of Memory
Biko Lives!: Contesting the Legacies of Steve Biko edited by Andile Mngxitama, Amanda Alexander, and Nigel C. Gibson
Kofi Annan: A man of peace in a world of war by Stanley Meisler Stanley Meisler
The Mask of Anarchy by Stephen Ellis Stephen Ellis
Broaching Frontiers, Shattering Boundaries by Peter Lang
Men of Dynamite: Pen Portraits of MK Pioneers edited by Rashid Seedat and Razia Saleh
A History of Nigeria by Toyin Falola and Matthew M. Heaton Toyin Falola and Matthew M. Heaton
The Non-Bantu Languages of North-Eastern Africa by A.N. Tucker and M.A. Bryan A.N. Tucker and M.A. Bryan
Jews of Ethiopia: The birth of an elite
The Politics of Neoliberal Democracy in Africa by Usman A. Tar Usman A. Tar
Tales of Faith by V.Y. Mudimbe V. Y. Mudimbe
The Surreptitious Speech: Presence Africaine and the Politics of Otherness 1947-1987 edited by V.Y. Mudimbe
South Africa by Vernon Domingo Vernon Domingo
Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral
Unity and Struggle: Speeches and Writings of Amilcar Cabral (Monthly Review Press Classic Titles)
From Bloodshed to Hope in Burundi: Our Embassy Years during Genocide by Ambassador Robert and Kathleen Tobin Krueger Ambassador Robert and Kathleen Tobin Krueger
The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah by Ama Biney Ama Biney
German Philosophy 1760-1860 The Legacy of Idealism by Terry Pinkard Terry Pinkard
Moses Mendelssohn: Sage of Modernity (Jewish Lives) Shmuel Feiner