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'We Go To Action': Statement on the Launching In Natal of the Defiance Campaign, August 30, 1952
Appeal for action against Apartheid - Statement issued jointly by Chief Albert Luthuli and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr,10 December 1962
Say It out Loud - The 1939 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 11th April, 1939
Say It out Loud - The 1912 Presidential Address, Johannesburg, Transvaal, 1st January, 1912
Say It out Loud - The 1935 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 2nd January, 1935
Say It out Loud - The 1910 Presidential Address, Port Elizabeth, Cape
Say It out Loud - The 1929 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 1st April, 1929
Say It out Loud - The 1913 Presidential Address, Kimberley, Cape, 11th October, 1913
Say It out Loud - The 1906 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 2nd January, 1906
Say It out Loud - Protest against the Women’s Enfranchisement Act, and the Franchise Amendment Bill, 1931
Say It out Loud - The 1907 Presidential Address, Outdshoorn, Cape, 7 January, 1907
Say It out Loud - The 1923 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 3rd April, 1923
Say It out Loud - The 1919 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 22nd April, 1919
Say It out Loud - The Coloured People and the Franchise, 1906
Say It out Loud - The 1909 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 13th April 1909
Say It out Loud - The 1921 Presidential Address, Cape Town, 29th March, 1921
Say It out Loud - The Education Bill, 1906
Say It out Loud - Equal Rights: The treatment of Coloured People in the North, 1901
”Report on Talks between the PAC and the OAU liberation Committee Sub-committee” by Potlako K. Leballo, Dar es Salaam, November 20,1968
Report of the Joint Planning Council of the ANC and the South African Indian Congress, November 8, 1951
Golf Is For Girls Too by Richard Maguire (SPEAK), September 1994
Give Netball A Chance by Rosalee Telela (SPEAK), June 1994
Welcome To The New SA by Voter Education (SPEAK), February 1994
A People’s Government Includes Women by SPEAK, March 1993
Forcing Open The Doors: The Women’s National Coalition by SPEAK, June 1992
Roar, Young Lionesses! Roar! By SPEAK, October 1990, Johannesburg
ANC Takes A Stand On Women’s Liberation by SPEAK, 1985 – 1990, Johannesburg
De Klerk Stop The Violence! ANC Women’s League Takes Mass Action by SPEAK, May 1991, Johannesburg
A Long And Difficult Road Ahead: Building The ANC Women’s League by SPEAK, 1991 – 1994, Johannesburg
Alexandra Women’s Congress: Organising women for a new South Africa by SPEAK, 1990 – 1994, Johannesburg
The League Is Launched! By SPEAK, August 1990, Durban
ANC Women’s League: South African Women March To Freedom! By SPEAK, June 1990, Johannesburg
A Woman’s Place Is In Her Organisation by members of the United Women’s Congress (SPEAK), 11 – 13 August 1989, Johannesburg
Taking The Women’s Struggle Forward by SPEAK, March 1989, Johannesburg
Youth Women Organise by National Youth Working Committee (SPEAK), July 1989, Johannesburg
UDF Women’s Congress Is Launched by SPEAK, 1990 – 1994, Johannesburg
Alexandra Women’s Congress: Organising women for a new South Africa by SPEAK, 1990 – 1994, Johannesburg
Operation Big Ears: The Women’s National Coalition by SPEAK, August 1992, Johannesburg
Natal Organisation Of Women by SPEAK, 1990 – 1994, Johannesburg
Working To Contract by SPEAK, September 1994, Johannesburg
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