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Academia and activism: A unique alliance in working class organisation post 1973 by Vannessa Kruger
The Durban Strikes and the making of the Political Struggles in South Africa by Vuyisile Msila
The Changing Nature of the African Working Class: Migrant Workers, Identity and Struggles by Sithembiso Bhengu
40 Years of Shop Floor Resistance in a Rubber Factory by Sithembiso Bhengu
Trade Unions in South Africa by Ari Sitas and Bianca Tame
An evolution of Worker Education in South Africa since 1973 and its impact on Worker Movement by John Mhandu
The trade union movement and the burden of the future by Monique Marks
NEDLAC, Union Investment Companies, the Tripartite Alliance and the Shock of the Government's New Economic Policies by Sifiso Gwala
Reclaiming Radical Traditions of Workers' Education by Linda Cooper and Sheri Hamilton
“Exodus without a map”: What happened to the Durban moment? by Edward Webster
From Durban Falkirk to Defy: Changing sources of workers’ power in the metal industry by Andries Bezuidenhout and Edward Webster
The Lessons of the Transition Era, Inequality and the Politics of Universal Health Care: Re-visiting the Proposals of the Macro-Economic Research Group (MERG) and the Reconstruction and Development Programme by Robert Van Niekerk
Worker Culture: It’s Emergence, Gains and the Implications of Decline by Frank Meintjies
The Student Wages Commissions, the 1973 Durban Strikes, and the Politics of Statistics by Grace Davie
Shades of Empire: Police Photography in German South-West Africa by Lorena Rizzo
“I want to live not survive”: the politics of refusing low-wage work in a time of mass joblessness by Hannah Dawson
1973: Neo-apartheid and the Sleeping the Giant by Mbuso Nkosi
Durban 1973, a National Breakthrough, in the Context of a Globally Developing Socialism? But what if the reality was actually an emergent 50-year international capitalist 'counterrevolution' of 1973-2022? by David Cooper
“White ladies [do not] push heavy skips”: Examining NUDW and CCAWUSA organising of occupational categories in the retail and distributive trade in the late 1960s and 1970s by Bridget Kenny
Exploring Student-Worker Alliance: the role of COSAS in trade unions, 1979-1985 by Noor Nieftagodien
Trade unions and Popular Resistance in the 1980s and New Alliances and the Different Unions Traditions by Kaizer Thibedi
Performance, Violence and the Collapse of a Cultural Movement by Ari Sitas
Exhibition: Durban, 1973: Strike against cheap labour by David Hemson
The Durban Mystery Unraveled: An empirical analysis by Eddie Cottle
The British Government, The Trade Union Congress, and Black South African Trade Unionism, 1973 to 1994 by Dan Feather
Excavations: Shirts, Placards, Posters and the Remnants of Spectacular Protest in the LRS’s Collections by Lebogang Mokwena
The Fruits of the 1973 Durban Strikes: A Powerful Black Trade Union Movement. Are they still on track or are they off the rails? by Johann Maree
“Dockers and solidarity activism: from the Durban Strikes to choke points in today’s global economy” by Peter Cole
“Human beings with Souls”: Reconsidering The Durban Strikes Pamphlet by Alex Lichtenstein
The Road to Durban: Workers’ struggles, student movements, and the resurgence of resistance politics in Namibia and South Africa by Heike Becker
Gigs, hustles and hope: work for young South Africans beyond the wage by Adam Cooper and Bernard Dubbeld
Allies or collaborators? Dladla, Buthelezi and the KwaZulu regime, 1972-75 by David Hemson
South Africa’s Marikana 10 years on: survey shows knowledge of massacre is low, by Benjamin Roberts, Jare Struwig and Steven Gordon (, 16 August 2022
From the Archive | The workers’ struggle by Joe Foster (New Frame),28 Feb 2019
Professor Allan Boesak - Selfless Revolutionaries (Part 1)
Utopian Thinking - Revisiting the ideas of Rick Turner in the current political context
SACP Webninar 2021: Strategic Debates, the ANC - SACP alliance and the Soviet Union 27 July 2021
Photographs as Sources in African History by Robert Gordon and Jonatan Kurzwelly
2022 - President Ramaphosa, State of the Nation Address, 10 February 2022
The Full Striped Quagga, painting by Thomas Baines
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