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Title Sort descending Type Province Category Feature Parent Tambo International Airport, JohannesburgAirport, Building, Hotel, Restaurant Gauteng
  1. Articles & Books on Johannesburg
  2. Comrade President OR Tambo on Africa Day
  3. Speech by OR Tambo on the occasion of installation as the Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare and on being awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, 19 October 1991
  4. Speech by President Mandela on receiving an honorary doctoral degree from the University of South Australia at a graduation ceremony at Fort Hare University
Oak-Villa Cottage, Baviaanskloof RoadHeritage Site, Monument, Building Western Cape
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
google mapsOatlands, SimonstownBuilding, Heritage Site Western Cape Historical Site
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
  2. Batavian Republic 1803-1806
  3. Dutch and British Coastal Fortifications at the Cape of Good Hope (1665 to 1829)
  4. Conclusion: A Land Dispossession History 1600s-1990s
FacebookObservatoryDistrict, Hospital, Outdoor Activities, Suburb Western Cape Industry
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
  2. Introduction: The Youth Struggle
  3. The Missing Mothers of the Slave Lodge - slave families in the Company Lodge, 1658 - 1828 by Robert Shell and Linda Mbeki, University of Cape Town,16 May 2014, Free StateDistrict, Mine, Village Free State Industry
  1. Labour time in South African gold mines: 1886-2006 by Paul Finlay Stewart
  2. Migratory labour on the gold mines
  3. Silicosis of the Witwatersrand gold mines: incidence and prevalence; compensation; 1902 - 1978.
  4. Report on the Anglo American Corporation gold mines
  5. Profit-sharing schemes: a look at the gold mines
  6. In the gold mines
  7. Sir Ernest Oppenheimer
Officers’ Club, Military Base, WynbergMilitary Base, Monument Western Cape
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
Official residence, Commander of British forces in South Africa, Roberts Heights, PretoriaBuilding, Monument Gauteng
google mapsOhrigstadArchaeological Site, Dam, Monument, Railway Station, Village Limpopo Historical Site
  1. Removals and Resistance: Rural communities in Lydenburg, South Africa, 1940 - 1961
  2. A tribute to the pioneers: Voortrekkers of the Transvaal
  3. Pedi
  4. The arrival of KhoiKhoi
  5. Amphitheatre, Drakensburg Mountain Range
  6. Blyde River Canyon, Mpumalanga
  7. Bourke's Luck Potholes
  8. God’s Window
  9. A tribute to the pioneers: Voortrekkers of the Transvaal
Old Anglican Church, RustenburgChurch, Monument North West
Old Arts Building, University of PretoriaBuilding, Museum, Gallery, Heritage Site Gauteng
Google PNGOld Biscuit Mill, Woodstock- Cape TownArchaeological Site, Heritage Site, Holiday Destination, Memorial, Outdoor Activities Western Cape Historical Site
  1. Stevenson Gallery, Woodstock-Cape Town
  2. Church Square, Dickson street, Woodstock
  3. St. Agnes Primary School, Woodstock
  4. Woodstock
  5. Articles & books relating to Cape Town
Old Court House, Victoria EmbankmentOld Court House, Victoria Embankment, DurbanBuilding, Museum Kwazulu Natal Historical Site
  1. Durban Historical & community
  2. Maps through time, Durban
  3. Prehistory of the Durban area
  4. Architecture in West Africa
  5. Vernacular Architecture Society of South Africa
Old Crown Mines Headquarters, 5 Press Lane, Selby, JohannesburgHeritage Site, Monument Gauteng Drostdy Museum, Rawson Street, PearstonBuilding, Farm, Heritage Site, Monument, Museum Eastern Cape
  1. Dutch East India Company (DEIC)/VOC
  2. Uitenhage worker tells of what he saw on March 21
google mapsOld Durban Brook Street CemeteryCemetery, Church Kwazulu Natal Historical Site
  1. Musgrove road, Berea
  2. John Thomas Baines
  3. Rick Turner: His writings
  4. Rick Turner: Thirty Years On by Jann Turner
Old English Fort, MarabastadHeritage Site, Monument Limpopo
Old Fort and cemetery, DurbanFort, Cemetery, Museum Kwazulu Natal
Old Fort, Hospital Hill, JohannesburgFort, Hospital, Heritage Site Gauteng
Old gaol, Seventh Avenue, RoodepoortMonument Gauteng
Old General Post Office, Grand Central, Cape TownPost Office
Old Government Building, Church Street, BoksburgHeritage Site Gauteng
Old House Museum, St. Andrews Street, DurbanHouse, Museum, Heritage Site Kwazulu Natal
Old Locomotive “Emil Kessler”, JohannesburgMonument Gauteng
Old Lutheran Church, KroondalChurch, Monument North West
FacebookOld Magistrate’s Offices and Residence, Main Street, SimonstownBuilding, Heritage Site, Museum Western Cape
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
  2. Forced Removals Simonstown
  3. Simonstown Black Sash leads the struggle against the Group Areas
  4. Martello Tower, Simonstown
  5. MLR-cannon, Middle North Battery, Simonstown
  6. Palace Barracks, Simonstown
  7. Dutch Reformed Church, Simonstown
  8. Die Stem Parsonage, Simonstown, Cape Town
  9. Die Stem Parsonage, Simonstown, Cape Town
  10. Oatlands, Simonstown
Old MorleyMissionary Station, Farm, Town Eastern Cape
Old Municipal Offices, Berlandina Street, RoodepoortPost Office, Monument Gauteng
Old Post Office, Fleming Street, Port ElizabethPost Office, City Hall, Monument Eastern Cape
Old Post Office, Rissik Street, JohannesburgPost Office, Heritage Site, Monument
Old PresidencyBuilding, Monument, Museum Free State
Old Pretoria Iron Mines Ltd Buildings, Iscor, PretoriaMine, Monument Gauteng
Old Railway Station Museum, UitenhageMuseum, Building, House, Holiday Destination Eastern Cape
Old Stables, Oatlands, SimonstownFarm, Monument Western Cape
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
Old Town House, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town.City Hall, Monument, Gallery, Museum Western Cape
  1. Cape Town, Western Province
google mapsOlievenhoutbosch, Centurion-PretoriaTownship Gauteng Dispossessed areas
  1. Community histories of Pretoria
  2. Ndebele
  3. Address by President Jacob Zuma to the 12th International meeting of the Communist and Workers Parties, 3 December 2010, Centurion, Pretoria
Oliewenhuis Art MuseumGallery, Museum Free State