Charles W H Kohler

As the driving force behind the creation of the Ko-operatieve Wijn-bouwers Vereniging van Zuid-Afrika, Beperkt (The Co-operative Wine Growers' Association of SA, or KWV) in 1918, Charles W H Kohler can be regarded as the most important figure in the Cape wine industry in the twentieth century.

Godfrey Rosenbaum Zibuse Kuzwayo

Godfrey Rosenbaum Zibuse Kuzwayo was born in 1909, he grew up in Bloemfontein, graduated from Wilberforce Institute, and studied journalism through correspondence schools. He wrote for a variety of English and vernacular papers, and later established a printing business and a real estate company in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg. Kuzwayo was founding member of the African Democratic Party in 1943. He died in 1965.

Cassim Mahomed Lakhi

Cassim Mahomed Lakhi was the youngest son of Mahomed Lakhi and his wife, Hawa Bibi, who were both born in India. They arrived in South Africa in 1894 and settled in Greytown. Here Mahomed Lakhi started the firm of M.E. Lakhi in 1914 and played a very active role in community life. He was a great philanthropist and donated generously towards education projects, charities and numerous mosques in Natal. 

David Livingstone

David Livingstone was born on 19 March, 1813 in Blantyre, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. His father was a committed Protestant Sunday school teacher and probably influenced the young David to grew up with an aspiration to become a missionary.

J. S. Likhing

J. S. Likhing was born at Thaba 'Nchu in the Orange Free State, he was educated in the Cape and later, perhaps by correspondence, became a Licentiate in Theology of the Antioch Seminary in New York. He was general secretary of the separatist African Orthodox Church, president of the Bechuanaland-Griqualand West, African National Congress (ANC) around 1930, and also an assistant chaplain of the national ANC.

Laura Jean Levetan

Laura Jean Levetan was born in Cape Town in 1955, the third child of Lionel and Marie Levetan. Their household was steeped in Anti-apartheid politics and Laura met many activists and politicians during her childhood. She was schooled in Muizenberg and Newlands and matriculated at Sans Souci Girls High in 1973.