The Pattern of Betrayal. Cartoon, David Marias. An Open Letter to the United Nations, Paramount Chief of the Hereros. South West Africa and the United Nations, Mburumba A. Kerina.  The Sekhukhuneland Terror, James Fairburn. No God. No Home, A.R.C. de Crespigny. The Village and the Castle, Owen Williams. Apartheid in Nursing-a Challenge, an African Nurse and Fr. Martin Jarrett-Kerr, C.R.  Job Reservations(II): The Achilles Heel, Alex Hepple. Christopher Gell: An Obituary, John Sutherland. More Grim Fairy Tales, E,V. Stone with illustrations by David Marais. No Revolution Round the Corner, Julius Lewin. An Addendum, Dr. H.J. Simons. An African Diary, Rosalynde Ainslie. Political Trends in Kenya, Dr. Gikonyo Kiano, M.L.C. The Lessons of Libel, Alan Rake. The Central African Liberals, M.D. McWilliam. Southern Rhodesia Elects, Channing B. Richardson. Meddlers from Abroad, Reginald Reynolds. Algeria and De Gaulle, Neville Barbour. The Art of Africa(II). The Gold and Akan of Ghana, Eva L. R. Meyerowitz. West African Pottery, Michael Cardew. Towards an African Literature(VI), Dr. A.C. Jordan. Azikwelwa!, James Mathews. Book Review, Dr. R.E. van der Ross.