Contents: Dear Sir Roy. Emigrant Ship by Reginald Reynolds. The Senate Farce, Stanley Uys with a cartoon, David Marais. Revolution: Further Reflections, Joe Matthews. The Place of Boycott, Stanley Trapido. The Africanists Cut Loose, Peter Rodda. Congress and the Africanists, Walter Sisulu. Sports test for South Africa, D.A. Brutus. Orlando Revisited, Anthony Sampson. The Nyasaland Crisis, M.W. Kanyama Chuime. Rider and Horse in Northern Rhodesia, Kenneth Kaunda. The Crucible of Privilege: Southern Rhodesia, Joshua Nkomo. An Iota of Difference, Moses Makone. Portrait of a Failure: Sir Roy Welensky, Frank Barton with illustration by David Marais. An Interview with Todd, Denis Grundy. Natives No Longer Kill Twins, Colin Leys. Labour and Central Africa, Barbara Castle, M.P. Cartoon, Vicky. Kenya at the Cross-Roads, Tom Mboya. A South African in Nigeria, Ezekiel Mphahlele. The United States at U.N.O., Winifred F. Courtney. Towards an African Literature IX: The Tale of Nongqawuse, Dr. A.C. Jordan. Bella, Marianne Nordfors. Book Reviews, Homer A. Jack.