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More archive sources related to The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)

  1. ‘A great cause’: the origins of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, June 1959 – March 1960
  2. White Lies: Canon Collins and the Secret War Against Apartheid by Denis Herbstein
  3. When the boycott began to bite
  4. United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid And Centre Against Apartheid by E.S. Reddy | Speeches and Public Statements
  5. United Nations and the African National Congress by E. S. Reddy
  6. Turbulent priests or movement intellectuals? Christian voices and international opposition to apartheid in the 1950s by Rob Skinner
  7. Tribute to Dr. William E. Burghart Dubois
  8. Those who are confronting Apartheid should Know they are not alone by Jean-Paul Sartre
  9. The US Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986: Anti-Apartheid or Anti-African National Congress
  10. The Role of Non-Violent Action in the Downfall of Apartheid by Stephen Zunes
  11. The Politics Of The Anti-Apartheid Movement In The United States, 1969-1986 by Donald R. Culverston
  12. The Politics of the Anti-Apartheid Movement In the United States by Donald R. Culverston
  13. The British Anti-Apartheid Movement: 30 Years Of Boycotting by Mike Terry
  14. The British Anti-Apartheid Movement: 30 Years of Boycotting
  15. The Anti-apartheid Movement: A 40 year perspective
  16. The Anti-Apartheid Movement Abroad by Max Rossiter | Article
  17. The Anti-Apartheid Movement - what kind of history?
  18. The African-American Manifesto on Southern Africa
  19. The African-American Manifesto on Southern Africa | Speeches and Public Statements
  20. Thambi Naidoo and his Family - The Story of Thambi Naidoo, a lieutenant of Gandhi in the Satyagraha in South Africa, and of his family which sacrificed for five generations in the struggle for a free South Africa by E.S. Reddy
  21. Struggle for Liberation in South Africa and International Solidarity edited by E. S. Reddy
  22. Struggle for Freedom in Southern Africa by E.S. Reddy | Book chapter
  23. Some reflections on Irish Solidarity with the Struggle against Apartheid by Rafique Mottiar
  24. Some Reflections On Irish Solidarity With The Struggle Against Apartheid by Rafique Mottiar
  25. Significance of the Contribution of India to the Struggle Against Apartheid, by Mosie Moola
  26. Sanctions and Related Measures against South Africa by Enuga S. Reddy
  27. Revisiting "Strange Fruit": an Exploration of Culture and Anti-Apartheid Activism
  28. Reminiscences of The International Campaign Against Apartheid - with special reference to The United Nations by E.S. Reddy
  29. Public Action against Apartheid by E.S. Reddy | Speeches and Public Statements
  30. Paul Robeson and Africa
  31. Opposing apartheid in the Pietermaritzburg region
  32. Oliver Tambo, Apartheid and the International Community edited by E.S. Reddy
  33. Nordic Declaration on South Africa, 12 September 1990 | Speeches and Public Statements
  34. Musicians Boycott South Africa | Audio and Video
  35. Movement Matters: American Anti-Apartheid Activism And The Rise Of Multicultural Politics by Dr. David L. Hostetter | Theses and Dissertations
  36. Movement matters: American Anti-apartheid activism and the rise of Multicultural Politics by David L. Hostetter | Theses and Dissertations
  37. Michael Scott and the Campaign for Right and Justice
  38. Lutuli: Speeches of Chief Albert John Lutuli compiled by E.S.Reddy
  39. Liberation of Southern Africa - Our Responsibility edited by E.S. Reddy | Book chapter
  40. Letter by Mr. A.M. Kathrada to the youth of South Africa after being banned by the government, 19541 | Letters
  41. Irish Opposition to Apartheid, by Kader Asmal
  42. International Student Action in Solidarity with the Students of Southern Africa by E.S. Reddy
  43. India and South Africa by E.S. Reddy | Book chapter
  44. India against Apartheid, edited by E.S. Reddy | Book chapter
  45. Global revolution and Australian social movements in the long Sixties by Jon Piccini | Theses and Dissertations
  46. Freedom movement in South Africa: Its International impact by E.S Reddy
  47. Final Declaration of the Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, Havana, Cuba, 3-9 September 1979 | Speeches and Public Statements
  48. Discussing Sputh Africa Worldwide.
  49. Dimensions Of The Struggle Against Apartheid: A Tribute to Paul Robeson
  50. Co-Operation in International Action Against Apartheid by E.S. Reddy | Book chapter