1. Message from President Nelson Mandela on Africa refugee day 20 June 1997 | Speeches and Public Statements
  2. Message from ANC President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, to Arthur Krim on the occasion of the people for the American Way Award ceremony 8 November 1992 | Speeches and Public Statements
  4. MESSAGE BY PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA ON WOMEN’S DAY 9 August 1995 | Speeches and Public Statements
  6. Message by President Nelson Mandela on World AIDS Day 1 December 1994 | Speeches and Public Statements
  7. Message by President Nelson Mandela at the celebration in honour of his 80th birthday Johannesburg, 19 July 1998 | Speeches and Public Statements
  8. Message by Oliver Tambo to Nelson Mandela an International Tribute for a Free South Africa, 16 April 1990, Wembley Stadium, London
  9. Message by Nelson Mandela to the people of Gaphaahla 30 November 1992 | Speeches and Public Statements
  10. Memorandum Presented to the visiting British Trade Union
  11. Memorandum from Nelson Mandela to F. W. de Klerk, 26 June 1992 | Memorandum
  12. Mandla Mandela wants inquest into deaths of Stompie Seipie, Dr Asvat, 19 January 2018, South Africa | Article
  13. Mandela’s ‘Madiba Magic’ cast spell of sporting success (Reuters), 6 December 2013
  14. Mandela’s speech at thanksgiving for Tutu Cape Town, 23 June 1996 | Speeches and Public Statements
  15. Mandela’s prison manuscript: The Nelson Mandela Foundation responds by Sello Hatang, 14 January 2014, South Africa
  16. Mandela’s membership of the Communist Party: what needs to be reassessed by Tom Lodge | Article
  17. Mandela’s Magic (articles and images from The Globe and Mail)
  18. Mandela’s Democracy by Andrew Nash, 26 June 2013 | Article
  19. Mandela’s Death Stirs Sense Of Loss Around The World by Nicholas Kulish, Lydia Polgreen and Alan Cowell (The New York Times), 6 December 2013
  20. Mandela’s Death Leaves South Africa Without Its Moral Center by Lydia Polgreen (The New York Times), 5 December 2013
  21. Mandela’s African trip | Newspaper clippings
  22. Mandela: Message to India 18 June 1994 | Speeches and Public Statements
  23. Mandela: Man, Legend And Symbol Of Resistance by Alan Cowell (The New York Times), September 5, 1985
  24. Mandela, With Touch Of Grace, Paves Way For Successor By Suzanne Daley (The New York Times), 15 June 1999
  25. Mandela, In Last State Of Nation Speech, Pleads For Peace by Suzanne Daley (The New York Times), 6 February 1999
  26. Mandela, Freed, Urges Step-Up In Pressure To End White Rule by Christopher S. Wren (The New York Times), 12 February 1990
  27. Mandela's release - what a day this was in our history | Article
  28. Mandela's fellow inmate gives emotional speech
  29. Mandela To Go Free Today; De Klerk Proclaims Ending Of Chapter After 27 Years by John F. Burns (The New York Times), 11 February 1990
  30. Mandela Taught A Continent To Forgive by John Dramani Mahama (The New York Times), 5 December 2013
  31. Mandela Taken From Her Home In South Africa By Alan Cowell (The New York Times), 22 December 1985
  32. Mandela Speech at Paballelo Upington, 28 Augustus 1998 | Speeches and Public Statements
  33. Mandela speech at Magagong Community Project Hartswater, 28 August 1998 | Speeches and Public Statements
  34. Mandela speech at a Methodist church service in Langa 14 February 1999 | Speeches and Public Statements
  35. Mandela speech at a Methodist church service in Langa 14 February 1999
  36. Mandela Shares Nobel Accolade With De Klerk by Bill Keller (The New York Times), 16 October 1993
  37. MANDELA SALUTES ORLANDO PIRATES ON THEIR SUCCESS 17 December 1995 | Speeches and Public Statements
  38. Mandela Quotes and Interesting information
  39. Mandela Moved To House At Prison Farm By Christopher S. Wren (The New York Yimes), 8 December 1988
  40. Mandela message to the USA big business 19 June 1990 | Speeches and Public Statements
  41. Mandela Is Named President, Closing The Era Of Apartheid by Bill Keller (The New York Times), 10 May 1994
  42. Mandela in Chicago | Audio and Video
  43. Mandela Gets An Emotional New York City Welcome by John Kifner (The New York Times), 21 June 1990
  44. Mandela Fades Amid Battles Over Who Will Claim Legacy by Lydia Polgreen (The New York Times), 15 May 2013
  45. Mandela Ends Tour Of U.S. With Oakland Appearance by John Kifner (The New York Times), 1 July 1990
  46. Mandela and his three wives - Evelyn, Winnie and Graca by Sapa-AFP, 6 December 2013
  47. Mandela and De Klerk economic debate pre - 27 April 1994 | Audio and Video
  48. Mandela Against Mandela; South African Cabinet Split Sets Up Political Test Of Strength by Bill Keller (The New York Times), 29 March 1995
  49. Mandela Address to the World Economic Forum Davos, 29 January 1999 | Speeches and Public Statements
  50. Mandela Address to the World Economic Forum Davos, 29 January 1999