More archive sources related to Passive Resistance in South Africa
- ”ANC Calls for Passive Resistance”. Statement in Umteteli wa Bantu, June 27, 1931 | Speeches and Public Statements
- “We Shall Resist” - The Role of Indian Women in the Passive Resistance Campaign 1946-1948 by Kalpana Hiralal | Article
- ‘Wash Me Black Again’: African Nationalism, the Indian Diaspora, and Kwa-Zulu Natal, 1944-1960 by Jon Soske | Theses and Dissertations
- Young, Gifted and Black by Carmel T. M. Chetty
- Trade Union Organizer in Durban: M B Yengwa, 1943-1944 by Baruch Hirson | Article
- The Role of Women in the Struggle against Apartheid, 15 July 1980
- The Place of India in South African History: Academic Scholarship, Past, Present and Future by Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie
- The Indian War Memorial: National Memory and Selective Forgetting by Eric Itzkin
- The History of the Indians in Natal by Mabel Palmer
- The Gandhi You May not Know by Rajmohan Gandhi
- The first martyrs of Satyagraha by E. S. Reddy
- Speech by President Nelson Mandela on the 50th anniversary of the 1946 Passive Resistance campaign and the launch of the commemorative publication Durban, 13 June 1996 | Speeches and Public Statements
- South Africa Defies United Nations, what next? by Sorabjee Rustomjee, Ashwin Choudree and A.I. Meer
- Some remarkable women who helped Gandhiji in South Africa by E. S. Reddy
- Shadhan Naidoo, 1961-1989
- Segregation and the emergence of a left-wing grouping within the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congress
- Reports of the Passive Resistance Councils: Natal and Transvaal 1946 - 1947 by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer
- Reports of the Passive Resistance Councils: Natal and Transvaal 1946 - 1946 | Report
- Report on Passive Resistance, June 1947-May 1948 | Report
- Report of the Joint Planning Council of the ANC and the South African Indian Congress, November 8, 1951
- Report by A.I. Meer to the Joint Passive Resistance Council of the Natal and Transvaal Indian Congresses, 9 January 1948 | Report
- Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents compiled by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer - Search for a United Front against racism
- Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents compiled by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer - Racism against Indians | Book chapter
- Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents compiled by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer
- Non-European United Front of South Africa, Statement of Passive Resistance Movement, 1939 | Speeches and Public Statements
- National Liberation, Non-Racialism and 'Indianness' the 1947 visit of Dadoo and Naicker to India by Goolam Vahed and Ashwin Desai
- Labouring under the Law: Exploring the Agency of Indian Women under Indenture in Colonial Natal, 1860 – 1911 | Article
- Indian people in Natal by Hilda Kuper
- Indian Passive resistance 1946-7 | Report
- Indian Life and Labour in Natal by Prof. Raymond Burrows
- India and South Africa - A Collection of Papers by E.S. Reddy
- I Remember: Reminiscences of the Struggle for Liberation and the Role of Indian South Africans, 1924 - 1958 by I. C. Meer | Online book
- Education Feature from Frene Ginwala's Thesis
- Dr Yusuf M. Dadoo's Statement In Court In Trial For Passive Resistance, June 1946 | Speeches and Public Statements
- Document Center at UKZN. “Burning of the Passes” from the collection of Ela Gandhi, MP. Assention no. 1889-23
- Class, Consciousness and Organisation:Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa, 1979 - 1996 by Kumi Naidoo
- Class, Consciousness and Organisation: Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa 1979 - 1996 - by Kumi Naidoo | Theses and Dissertations
- Black Political Resistance in Natal 1947 - 1952 by Balaguru Lutchmanah Viranna, 1994 | Theses and Dissertations
- Awards of Recognition to Honourable Early Associates of Gandhiji and Phoenix Settlement 1904-1914
- An historical overview of madressa education - Chapter 5 by A. Akhalwaya, I. Waja, A.H. Gabru, A.K. Dockrat, S. Pandor and E. Garda
- An Ascendant Sugarocracy: Natal's Millers-cum-Planters, 1905-1939 by David Lincoln
- Afrindian Fictions: Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa by Pallavi Rastogi
- Afrindian Fictions: Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa by Pallavi Rastogi | Book chapter
- African and Indian in Durban by Fatima Meer | Article
- A 'Public Health Nuisance': The Vitoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934 by Goolam Vahed
- 68. Passive resistance 1946-1947
- 150th Anniversary; Anxieties of Commemoration - Towards a National Dialogue by Omar Badsha and Jon Soske
- 'Opening Address' at Annual Conference of the South African Indian Congress by Dr. S. M. Molema, 25 January 1952