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More archive sources related to Indian South Africans

  1. Joseph Royeppen – A barrister who joined the satyagraha in South Africa by E.S. Reddy
  2. Is there an Indian Question in Post-Apartheid South Africa? by Rehana Ebr.Vally
  3. INDIAN SOUTH AFRICANS - A brief history
  4. Indian people in Natal by Hilda Kuper
  5. Indian passive resistance in South Africa: 1946 - 1948 by E. S. Reddy
  6. Indian Life and Labour in Natal by Prof. Raymond Burrows
  7. India and South Africa - A Collection of Papers by E.S. Reddy
  8. Indentured Indians in Natal, 1860 - 1902: A Study Based on Ship's lists by Surendra Bhana, October 1987
  9. I Remember: Reminiscences of the Struggle for Liberation and the Role of Indian South Africans, 1924 - 1958 by I. C. Meer | Online book
  10. Hundred years of resistance, E.S. Reddy, 29 January 2012
  11. History of Muslims in South Africa: 1804 - 1899 by Ebrahim Mahomed Mahida
  12. History of Muslims in South Africa by Ebrahim Mahomed Mahida
  13. Historical Overview of Black Resistance, 1932-1952 - The Congress of the People and Freedom Charter Campaign by Ismail Vadi, New Delhi, 1995
  14. Group Areas Act and Its Effects on Indian People in Natal, May 1956 by Dr Gangathura Mohambry (Monty) Naicker | Article
  15. Gandhiji’s vision of a free South Africa: A collection of articles by E.S. Reddy
  16. Gandhiji and the struggle for liberation in South Africa
  17. Gandhi, Tamils and the Satyagraha in South Africa by E.S Reddy
  19. From Survival to defiance: Indian Hawkers in Johannesburg 1940-1980 edited by Coco Cachalia | Online book
  20. Freedom movement in South Africa: Its International impact by E.S Reddy
  21. Education Feature from Frene Ginwala's Thesis
  22. Class, Consciousness and Organisation:Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa, 1979 - 1996 by Kumi Naidoo
  23. Class, Consciousness and Organisation: Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa 1979 - 1996 - by Kumi Naidoo (Full Theses) | Theses and Dissertations
  24. Class, Consciousness and Organisation: Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa 1979 - 1996 - by Kumi Naidoo | Theses and Dissertations
  25. Bibliographical note and further reading
  26. Being Indian, Being Mk: An Exploration Of The Experiences And Ethnic Identities Of Indian South African uMkhonto We Sizwe Members by Varsha Lalla
  27. Bamboo Square: Documentary Narrative of the 'Indian and Native Cantonment' at the Point, 1873 to 1903 by Brian Kearney
  28. Awards of Recognition to Honourable Early Associates of Gandhiji and Phoenix Settlement 1904-1914
  29. Appendix 1: Freedom Fighters On The March: A Message From Dr. Y. M. Dadoo To The Indian People
  30. An ‘Imagined Community’ in diaspora: Gujaratis in South Africa by Goolam Vahed
  31. An historical overview of madressa education - Chapter 5 by A. Akhalwaya, I. Waja, A.H. Gabru, A.K. Dockrat, S. Pandor and E. Garda
  32. An Ascendant Sugarocracy: Natal's Millers-cum-Planters, 1905-1939 by David Lincoln
  33. Afrindian Fictions: Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa by Pallavi Rastogi | Book chapter
  34. African and Indian in Durban by Fatima Meer | Article
  35. A.I. Kajee His Work for the Southern African Indian Community by C. H. Calpin
  36. A tribute to Sam Ramsamy and others who fought apartheid sport by E.S. Reddy
  37. A short history of Indian education by C. Kuppusami
  38. A preliminary study of the first decade of The Leader with particular reference to it's stance on the passive resistance campaign of 1946 by Prashanta Maharaj
  39. A Forgotten Diaspora: Forced Indian Migration to the Cape Colony, 1658 to 1834 by Parbavati Rama | Theses and Dissertations
  40. A Documentary History of Indian South Africans edited by Surendra Bhana and Bridglal Pachai
  41. A digest of the Fagan Report Prepared by Maurice Webb
  42. A 'Public Health Nuisance': The Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934 by Goolam Vahed
  43. 82. The President’s Council
  44. 76. The Indian people are an integral and permanent part of South Africa
  45. 71.The Group Areas Act
  46. 70. The Durban riots, 1949
  47. 68. Passive resistance 1946-1947
  48. 150th Anniversary; Anxieties of Commemoration - Towards a National Dialogue by Omar Badsha and Jon Soske
  49. 125 Years -The Arrival of Natal's Indians in Pictures by Joy B. Brian
  50. 'Opening Address' at Annual Conference of the South Afri­can Indian Congress by Dr. S. M. Molema, 25 January 1952