More archive sources related to Indian South Africans
- Joseph Royeppen – A barrister who joined the satyagraha in South Africa by E.S. Reddy
- Is there an Indian Question in Post-Apartheid South Africa? by Rehana Ebr.Vally
- INDIAN SOUTH AFRICANS - A brief history
- Indian people in Natal by Hilda Kuper
- Indian passive resistance in South Africa: 1946 - 1948 by E. S. Reddy
- Indian Life and Labour in Natal by Prof. Raymond Burrows
- India and South Africa - A Collection of Papers by E.S. Reddy
- Indentured Indians in Natal, 1860 - 1902: A Study Based on Ship's lists by Surendra Bhana, October 1987
- I Remember: Reminiscences of the Struggle for Liberation and the Role of Indian South Africans, 1924 - 1958 by I. C. Meer | Online book
- Hundred years of resistance, E.S. Reddy, 29 January 2012
- History of Muslims in South Africa: 1804 - 1899 by Ebrahim Mahomed Mahida
- History of Muslims in South Africa by Ebrahim Mahomed Mahida
- Historical Overview of Black Resistance, 1932-1952 - The Congress of the People and Freedom Charter Campaign by Ismail Vadi, New Delhi, 1995
- Group Areas Act and Its Effects on Indian People in Natal, May 1956 by Dr Gangathura Mohambry (Monty) Naicker | Article
- Gandhiji’s vision of a free South Africa: A collection of articles by E.S. Reddy
- Gandhiji and the struggle for liberation in South Africa
- Gandhi, Tamils and the Satyagraha in South Africa by E.S Reddy
- From Survival to defiance: Indian Hawkers in Johannesburg 1940-1980 edited by Coco Cachalia | Online book
- Freedom movement in South Africa: Its International impact by E.S Reddy
- Education Feature from Frene Ginwala's Thesis
- Class, Consciousness and Organisation:Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa, 1979 - 1996 by Kumi Naidoo
- Class, Consciousness and Organisation: Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa 1979 - 1996 - by Kumi Naidoo (Full Theses) | Theses and Dissertations
- Class, Consciousness and Organisation: Indian Political Resistance in Durban, South Africa 1979 - 1996 - by Kumi Naidoo | Theses and Dissertations
- Bibliographical note and further reading
- Being Indian, Being Mk: An Exploration Of The Experiences And Ethnic Identities Of Indian South African uMkhonto We Sizwe Members by Varsha Lalla
- Bamboo Square: Documentary Narrative of the 'Indian and Native Cantonment' at the Point, 1873 to 1903 by Brian Kearney
- Awards of Recognition to Honourable Early Associates of Gandhiji and Phoenix Settlement 1904-1914
- Appendix 1: Freedom Fighters On The March: A Message From Dr. Y. M. Dadoo To The Indian People
- An ‘Imagined Community’ in diaspora: Gujaratis in South Africa by Goolam Vahed
- An historical overview of madressa education - Chapter 5 by A. Akhalwaya, I. Waja, A.H. Gabru, A.K. Dockrat, S. Pandor and E. Garda
- An Ascendant Sugarocracy: Natal's Millers-cum-Planters, 1905-1939 by David Lincoln
- Afrindian Fictions: Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa by Pallavi Rastogi | Book chapter
- African and Indian in Durban by Fatima Meer | Article
- A.I. Kajee His Work for the Southern African Indian Community by C. H. Calpin
- A tribute to Sam Ramsamy and others who fought apartheid sport by E.S. Reddy
- A short history of Indian education by C. Kuppusami
- A preliminary study of the first decade of The Leader with particular reference to it's stance on the passive resistance campaign of 1946 by Prashanta Maharaj
- A Forgotten Diaspora: Forced Indian Migration to the Cape Colony, 1658 to 1834 by Parbavati Rama | Theses and Dissertations
- A Documentary History of Indian South Africans edited by Surendra Bhana and Bridglal Pachai
- A digest of the Fagan Report Prepared by Maurice Webb
- A 'Public Health Nuisance': The Victoria Street Early Morning Squatters Market, 1910-1934 by Goolam Vahed
- 82. The President’s Council
- 76. The Indian people are an integral and permanent part of South Africa
- 71.The Group Areas Act
- 70. The Durban riots, 1949
- 68. Passive resistance 1946-1947
- 150th Anniversary; Anxieties of Commemoration - Towards a National Dialogue by Omar Badsha and Jon Soske
- 125 Years -The Arrival of Natal's Indians in Pictures by Joy B. Brian
- 'Opening Address' at Annual Conference of the South African Indian Congress by Dr. S. M. Molema, 25 January 1952