1. Economic Transformation for a National Democratic Society by ANC, 20 December 2007, 52nd National Conference, Polokwane | Official Document - Conference Paper
  2. Economic Inclusion of Women into the Mainstream Economy
  3. Early ANC leaders and the British world: ambiguities and identities
  4. Draft Declaration by ANC, 20 December, 2012, 53rd ANC Annual Conference, Mangaung | Official Document - Policy documents
  5. Dr James Moroka with Hendrik Verwoerd on the tour of the Native Trust - The Friend Bloemfontein, 12 September 1951
  6. Document 99 - Edwin T. Mofutsanyana, “All-African Convention: Masses Must Support It”, South African Worker, 9 January 1937 | Book chapter
  7. Document 87 - “Lessons of the All-Bantu Convention”, The Spark, 2, 2, February 1936 | Book chapter
  8. Document 80 “The Communist Party Points the Way to Freedom: ANC Leaders have no Programme of Struggle”,Umsebenzi,7 April 1934 | Book chapter
  9. Document 51 - Leon Trotsky, Remarks on the Draft Theses of the Workers’ Party of South Africa, 20 April 1935 | Book chapter
  10. Document 48 - Lenin Club, Draft Thesis: The Native Question (Majority) (1934) | Book chapter
  11. Document 34 - Letter from the Executive Bureau, Communist Party of South Africa, to the Executive Committee, Comintern | Book chapter
  12. Document 17 - The Groote Schuur Minute | Official or Original Documents
  13. Document 128 - A. P. Mda13, “Report of Communist Activities among the Natives in Johannesburg”, Catholic Times, July 1942 | Book chapter
  14. Document 12 - Notes prepared by Nelson Mandela for his meeting with P. W. Botha | Interviews
  15. Document 11 - Second letter from Nelson Mandela to Hendrik Verwoerd
  16. Document 109 - G. H. Gool and J. A. La Guma, “Appeal of the National Liberation League for a National Convention of the Subject Peoples of South Africa”, The Liberator, September 1937 | Book chapter
  17. Document 108 - African National Congress to be Revived: Leaders’ Co-ordinating Committee’s Work, South African Worker, 4 September 1937 | Book chapter
  18. Document 105 - John Gomas, “Cape Town: Liberation League Activities”, South African Worker, 17 April 1937 | Book chapter
  19. Document 10 - Letter from Nelson Mandela to Sir de Villiers Graaff, leader of the United Party
  20. Discussion Paper on Gender Based Violence | Official Document - Policy documents
  21. Directive Concerning the Nature of the Forthcoming ANC Consultative Conference in Morogoro by O. R. Tambo, March 1969
  22. Defiance campaign in South Africa, recalled by E.S. Reddy
  23. Declaration by Oliver Tambo, Deputy President of the African National Congress of South Africa, and J.R.D. Chikerema, Vice-President of the Zimbabwe African People`s Union, 05 August 1967
  24. Declaration by ANC, 20 December 2007, 52nd National Conference, Polokwane | Official Document - Conference Paper
  25. Death of ANC Education Secretary, Seretse Choabi, 29 August 1991
  26. Crisis, History and the Challenge of Reinvention in the Postcolonial by Laurence Piper
  27. Conversations with Felicia Winnie Madikizela Mandela, A Tribute to Women in the Struggle
  28. Constitution of the ANC Youth League, 1944 | Official or Original Documents
  29. Conscripts to their age: African National Congress operational strategy, 1976-1986 by Howard Barrell | Theses and Dissertations
  30. Condolence book for Comrade Ahmed Kathrada, 28 March 2017
  31. Comrade Keith Khoza`s father being buried on Saturday, 3 February 2011
  32. Comments and Observations on Proposals for a United Nations Security Council Resolution on Apartheid by O. R. Tambo, 1963
  33. Commemoration of the 50th Annivesary of the Natal Sabotage Trial (Little Rivonia) | Article
  34. Closing speech by Oliver Tambo at the ANC conference "Peoples of the world united against apartheid, for a democratic South Africa", 04 December 1987, Arusha
  35. Closing speech by ANC President Jacob Zuma by ANC, 20 December 2007, 52nd National Conference, Polokwane | Official Document - Conference Paper
  36. Closing Speech at the ANC Conference "Peoples Of The World United Against Apartheid, For A Democratic South Africa" by O. R. Tambo, Arusha, 4 December 1987
  37. Closing Remarks to the 53rd National Conference of the ANC by President Jacob Zuma, December 2012, Mangaung | Official Document - Press Release
  38. Chief Luthuli and The United Nations by E.S. Reddy
  39. Chapter 9 - Division weakens the movement | Book chapter
  40. Chapter 8 ANC Ambassador in Exile by Brain Filling | Book chapter
  41. Chapter 8 - The politics of Congress in the late 1950s | Book chapter
  42. Chapter 5 - The Freedom Charter | Book chapter
  43. Chapter 4 - The role of the Communist Party in the ANC by Richard Monroe | Book chapter
  44. Chapter 3 - The Rise of the ANC | Book chapter
  45. Chapter 28 Liliesleaf Museum | Book chapter
  46. Chapter 12 - Blind alley of guerrillaism | Book chapter
  47. Chapter 10 - Sharpeville and its aftermath | Book chapter
  48. Challenges of Leadership in the Current Phase, 1 July 1997
  49. Challenges facing workers and unions: The role of the ANC by ANC, 20 December 2007, 52nd National Conference, Polokwane | Official Document - Conference Paper
  50. Chairpersons of ANC Caucus since 1994