- Manpower Black Mobility 1998 | Newspaper clippings
- Manpower Black Mobility 1996 - 1997 | Newspaper clippings
- Manpower Black Mobility 1994 - 1995 | Newspaper clippings
- Manpower Black Mobility 1992 - 1993 | Newspaper clippings
- Manpower Black Mobility 1988 - 1991 | Newspaper clippings
- Manpower Black Mobility 1975 - 1987 | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela's Morning 1990 H | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela warns on 'a balkanisationn danger' 1993 J | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela release subject to non-violence pact 1985 A | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela defends ANC's link with Arafat's PLO 1990 D | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela cancels Mexican dinner 1991 F | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela 'refused to be part of exchange' 1987 E | Newspaper clippings
- Mandela 'Only hope to control youths' from Saldru Archive | Newspaper clippings
- Malawi General 1994 - 1998 | Newspaper clippings
- Malawi General 1988 - 1993 | Newspaper clippings
- Malawi General 1975 - 1987 | Newspaper clippings
- Major threat to SA farmers 1998 - 1999 | Newspaper clippings
- Maize price rise, hits SA Blacks 1975 - 1982 | Newspaper clippings
- Maize Board hailed for urea decision 1983 - 1986 | Newspaper clippings
- LP may strike deal with govt on extra seats 1989 B | Newspaper clippings
- Liquor exports a record, but... 1975 - 1976 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho Labour 1975 - 1998 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1990 - 1993 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1986 - 1989 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1983 - 1985 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1982 - 1983 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1979 - 1981 | Newspaper clippings
- Lesotho General 1975 - 1978 | Newspaper clippings
- Leaders get a bumpy rural landing 1992 D | Newspaper clippings
- Law for domestic and farm workers unlikely this year 1986 - 1989 | Newspaper clippings
- Labourers to farm for 1996 - 1997 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour pressure likely on South Africa 1976 -1996 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1998 - 1999 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1997 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1996 - 1997 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1994 - 1995 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1990 - 1993 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1988 - 1989 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1988 - 1989 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1983 - 1987 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1981 - 1982 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1979 - 1980 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Legislation 1975 - 1978 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour left floored by a right cross 1981 A | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Department 1994 - 1998 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Department 1987 - 1993 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Department 1984 - 1986 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Department 1979 - 1983 | Newspaper clippings
- Labour Department 1975 - 1979 | Newspaper clippings
- Key ANC personalities lobby for top positions 1991 E | Newspaper clippings