1. The Iscor share offer: supping with the devil
  2. The Ironies of South African Poverty
  3. The internship year in South Africa
  4. The international socialist league
  5. The international situation
  6. The international situation
  7. The Internal Security Act
  8. The Institution for Industrial Education
  9. The Institute Vindicated?
  10. The Institute of Race Relations - its role and relevance
  11. The Institute of Black Studies
  12. The Institute for Industrial Education and Worker Education
  13. The Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa (IDASA)
  14. The inside story: Advice Offices report
  15. The Inkatha-police scandal
  16. The Ingwavuma deal
  17. The Industrial Conciliation Act 1981 recipe for chaos
  18. The industrial colour bar
  19. The Indian in Natal
  20. The Independent Electoral Commission | Poster
  21. The independent Black Republic Thesis 1928 - buried by the South African Communist Party
  22. The Inanda scheme: a briefing
  23. The Impulse to Punish: Some Recent Cases
  24. The importance of workers organisations
  25. The importance of conservation in KwaZulu
  26. The Importance of Carrying On
  27. The implications of the text of Esther for Af
  28. The imperialist stake in apartheid
  29. The impact of political violence on health and health services in Cape Town, 1986
  30. The Imbali Rehabilitation programme
  31. The Image of an Open University
  32. The illegal children
  33. The IFPs stance on negotiations: Consensus p
  34. The ideology of privatisation: self-help and victim-blaming
  35. The ICFTU in South Africa
  36. The I.C. act- what should be done
  37. The I G Metall Code, the LRA and disinvestment
  38. The hypocrisy of the English press
  39. The hungry search for profit
  40. The hunger crisis: September 92
  41. The human face of socialism
  42. The how of federation
  43. The Houw Hoek Conference on Liberal Values
  44. The house that CAHAC built
  45. The hospital defiance campaign
  46. The Horror of Mocambique | Article
  47. The homeless speak out
  48. The homeless of Chatsworth
  49. The Homeland Scheme
  50. The Home Instruction Programme for Pre-school Youngsters (HIPPY)