1. The spy who went into the cold - how FAWU deals with impimpis
  2. The Split in the ANC, 1958
  3. The spirituality of African peoples
  4. The spirit of small enterprise
  5. The spectre of Belson and Buchenwald
  6. The special conference of the ANC
  7. The special conference of the ANC
  8. The spear thrusts
  9. The spear of the nations at twenty
  10. The spear fights on: Isandlwana | Poster
  11. The Soweto Uprising and the Development of Liberatory Ideas
  12. The Soweto eleven
  13. The Soviet Union: travel notes of a South African
  14. The Soviet Union Needs You | Poster
  15. The South Atlantic connection: growing links between South Africa and Latin America
  16. The South African Way of Life
  17. The South African War
  18. The South African Students Organisation: in detention for their country
    | Letters
  19. The South African Reality
  20. The South African Police II: laws and powers
  21. The South African Police
  22. The South African people will win their freedom: a statement by the central committee of the South African Communist Party
  23. The South African Medical and Dental Council: a suitable case for treatment
  24. The South African Marketing Act: food production and distribution
  25. The South African Labour Bulletin`s survey of its trade union readership
  26. The South African Labour Bulletin`s recommendations to the Wiehahn Commission regarding workmen`s compensation
  27. The South African health and social services organisation: a united health organisation is born
  28. The South African Foundation
  29. The South African Fellowship of Reconciliation: a short history
  30. The South African Council of Churches
  31. The South African Communist Party: 65 Years in the frontline of struggle
    | Book chapter
  32. The South African Communist Part: preparing for a new era?
  33. The South African Christmas story | Pamphlet
  34. The South African Cape Corps in defence of slavery
  35. The sources of economic growth
  36. The Sol Plaatje Memorial Lecture For 1987
  37. The soft-spoken President
  38. The socio-political and economic crisis in the apartheid system
  39. The socio-cultural dynamics of the struggle for liberation and the coherence of Black faith
  40. The social-cultural analysis of the origins and development of black theology
  41. The social pact in Latin America: advantages for labour
  42. The social effects of migratory labour on the urban African
  43. The social effects of migratory labour - some conclusions
  44. The social costs
  45. The social basis of the European political groups
  46. The Smile on the Face of the Botha
  47. The Slovo critique: socialism utopian and scientific
  48. The slice hasnt got any bigger | Poster
  49. The Slabbert Resignation
  50. The skop, skiet and donner election