1. Cosatu News Number 2 June 1990 | Journal
  2. Cosatu News Number 1 March 1990 | Journal
  3. Cosatu News Number 1 February 1989 | Journal
  4. Cosatu News May 1988 | Journal
  5. Cosatu News May 1988
  6. Cosatu News March 1987 | Journal
  7. Cosatu News June 1988 | Journal
  8. Cosatu News June 1987 | Journal
  9. Cosatu News June 1987
  10. Cosatu News
  11. COSATU Natal Regional Culture Workshop 23 August
  12. COSATU mass rally : Scrap the Labour Bill | Poster
  13. COSATU living wage campaign
  14. COSATU leadership on COSATU
  15. Cosatu launches campaign of rolling mass action : tax rebellion and protest action against union bashes
  16. COSATU launch
  17. COSATU Intimidation Conference
  18. COSATU Education Conference
  19. Cosatu e rera tsela e lebileng pele
  20. COSATU divided over tactics
  21. COSATU demands union rights for all workers! | Poster
  22. Cosatu Demands
  23. COSATU Culture Congress NASREC July 1989
  24. COSATU construction workers union
  25. COSATU Congress: one union, one industry
  26. COSATU congress says build mass movement
  27. COSATU Congress 1987
  28. COSATU Congress
  29. COSATU charts the way forward
  30. Cosatu CEC Resolution on the Natal situation
  31. COSATU calendar | Poster
  32. COSATU Calendar
  33. COSATU calendar
  34. COSATU calendar
  35. COSATU calendar
  36. COSATU budget 1989
  37. Cosatu ban: state hopes to smash apartheid resistance
  38. COSATU at the crossroads: towards tripartite corporatism or democratic socialism?
  39. COSATU and independent working class politics
  40. COSATU : Living wage | Poster
  41. COSATU 6th National Congress
  42. COSATU 4th National Congress | Poster
  43. COSATU 1989 Calendar
  44. COSATU 10th anniversary rally
  45. COSATU - what worried the workers
  46. COSATU
  47. COSATU
  48. Cosas: an organising force in the classroom
  49. COSAS students meeting | Poster
  50. Cosas leader detained...poisoned...now missing