1. Inkatha Womens Brigade annual Report
  2. Inkatha will be at negotiating table
  3. Inkatha to investigate opening to all races
  4. Inkatha sets out on a new path: Democracy means freedom to choose
  5. Inkatha President meets the media: Let us put the good of the State before the good of the party
  6. Inkatha President meets Polish leaders in historic trip
  7. Inkatha National Liberation Movement Conference: a call to prepare for the politics of negotiation: Apartheid is doomed
  8. Inkatha men blamed for Mphophomeni murders
  9. Inkatha has done it again in the elections
  10. Inkatha gets a new look
  11. Inkatha committed to Bloemfontein ideal of nationhood
  12. Inkatha backs Indaba proposals in principle
  13. Inkatha and violence
  14. Inkatha and the African National Congress
  15. Inkatha and national sugar refining and allied industries employees union
  16. Inkatha and KwaZulu: blocking the grand apartheid plan - a history of the struggle
  17. Inkatha and COSATU: drawing the battle lines
  18. Inkatha and ANC external mission on crossroads
  19. Inkatha - UDF crisis
  20. Inkatha
  21. Inkatha
  22. Injection of hope for Natal
  23. Inheritors of Wankie
  24. Inheritors of rich traditions
  25. Ingxabano kwimigodi yamalahle isonjululwe(article written in Xhosa language)
  26. Ingonyama Trust to remain
  27. Information: Transport
  28. Information: Labour action
  29. Influx Control: The Story of Sam and Annie
  30. Influx control makes workers` lives intolerable
  31. Inflation and food monopolies
  32. Infant and young child feeding
  33. Inequality in hospital services
  34. Inequalities will plunge SA into chaos
  35. Industry comes to South Africa
  36. Industry and Intellect are not Enough
  37. Industrial unrest in South Africa
  38. Industrial strategy for Africa: the recommendations of the ISP
  39. Industrial relations and the limits of the law: the industrial effects of the Industrial Relations Act, 1971
  40. Industrial health care
  41. Industrial health care
  42. Industrial diseases and accidents in South Africa
  43. Industrial decentralization, jobs and wages
  44. Industrial decentralisation and exploitation: the case of Botshabelo
  45. Industrial Councils: union struggles continue
  46. Industrial councils: constraining or renewing industry
  47. Industrial Councils debated
  48. Industrial Council medical aid and medical benefits schemes in South Africa
  49. Industrial Council exposed
  50. Industrial area committees formed