1. Response to the article on the role of service organisations by some members of LACOM, Durban, in SALB, Volume 12 Number 8
  2. Response to GP Masters: MASA
  3. Response to a crisis
  4. Response from a public sector doctor
  5. Response from a family practitioner
  6. Response from a family medicine specialist
  7. Respect for the flag
  8. Respect
  9. Resources
  10. Resources
  11. Resources
  12. Resources
  13. Resources
  14. Resource list: national bodies involved in education and welfare
  15. Resource list
  16. Resolutions on violence
  17. Resolutions on Ongoye University incident
  18. Resolutions of the people at a mass meeting in Durban, Sunday 6th November
  19. Resolutions of the Eight National Conference of the South African Council of Churches, July 27-29, 1976
  20. Resolutions adopted by the Programme for Social Change
  21. Resolutions
  22. Resolution on the united front and an action programme
  23. Resolution on the process of political settlement
  24. Resolution on the International Communist Movement
  25. Resolution on publicity and information of the NEC meeting
  26. Resolution against apartheid
  27. Resisting a reign of terror: the Potsdam story
  28. Resistance posters of the 1980s
  29. Resistance continues
  30. Resistance | Poster
  31. Resist, defend, advance
  32. Resist racism, says Motlatsi
  33. Resist mine repression! defend our union | Poster
  34. Resist Group Areas
  35. Resist bantustan violence | Poster
  36. Resist AG 23 and intimidation. | Poster
  37. Resist AG 23 and intimidation | Pamphlet
  38. Resettlement slum closed to the press
  39. Resettlement sites in the Ciskei
  40. Resettlement in Natal - an overview
  41. Resettlement and influx - the grand design: The hidden story of apartheid
  42. Resettlement and influx - the grand design: The fuse burns shorter
  43. Resettlement and influx - the grand design: A policy of human dislocation
  44. Resettlement
  45. Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953
  46. Research report
  47. Research a waste of time, money?
  48. Requiescat
  49. Requiem for Sophiatown
  50. Requiem for a newspaper