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Bukharin, Bunting and the Native Republic Slogan

Call by United States Ambassador H Nickel on Mr R F Botha at 10h30 on 3 June 1985, State Guest House, Pretoria

Call for sanctions against South Africa:Address to the International Conference against Sanctions, Paris, May 21, 1981

Oliver Thambo
Official Document - Conference Paper

Call to whites Repression: Has the State of emergency really ended?

United Democratic Front

Call to whites: Durban Education Conference report back

Called up? Advice Bureau on Military Conscription

Campaign for National United Action: Christmas against the emergency December 16 to 26

United Democratic Front

Cape Town Massacre : Interfaith prayer service

Cape Western Region Fact Paper on Work of Dependents Conference presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1972

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Cape Western Region Fact Paper: Langa Courts- Paper presented at National Conference 1981

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Cape Western Region: District Six in March 1981: Paper presented at National Conference 1981

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Cartoon with caption Yessir, baas, I believes in independence too

Cease government funding. Pact drains tax money

Celebration of a Soviet National Day and Red Army Victories

Central Africa (IV): Northern Rhodesia and Federation
Hein Marais

Central Africa (V): Federation and the British Labour Party

Saburi Biobaku

Centro de investigacion y formacion feminista

Chesterville: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1987

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Chief Gatsha Buthelezi Speaks to Colin Gardner

Tom Lodge

Children are the flowers of our struggle and the principal reason for our fight

Children have rights as human beings and also need special care and protection

Children under apartheid: Paper presented at National Conference 1982

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Christian Catholic Apostolic : Holy Spirit Church in Zion

Christian conscience and conscription prayer service

Christian imperative: uphold human rights to attain genuine peace on earth

Christian, will you put a child in the picture

Church and State relations: the story of Bophuthatswana and its independence from 1977 to 1994

Church state conflict: church leaders respond

Churches in solidarity with the frontline states

Churches International Youth Year Festival 17 - 20 December


Circular from John Daniels, SRC Vice-President

John Daniels
Official Document - Correspondences

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Dr. Ellen Hellman regarding the independence of the Ciskei

Ciskei Commission

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Helen Suzman, Colin Eglin and R. Swart regarding the independence of the Ciskei and its socio-economic impact on black families

Ciskei Commission

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Leah Tutu, President of the Domestic Workers and Empoyers Project

Ciskei Commission

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Lucy Mvubelo, Chairperson of the National Union of Clothing Workers regarding Ciskei Independence

Ciskei Commission

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Professor Francis Wilson regarding the Ciskei independence

Ciskei Commission

Ciskei: Second Definitive Series: solar system

Civil society theory and the politics of transition in South Africa

Edgar Brookes

Civil Society vs. the State: identity, institutions, and the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa

Civil War in the Border Bantustan: Paper presented at National Conference 1984

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Closing address to the 58th Annual Congress of the National Union of South African Students, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 29 November to 4 December 1980.

Closing remarks by Deputy Secretary Eagleburger, Saturday 19 March 1983

Clothing Workers Union: we demand jobs and a living wage for all

Colonialism of a special type and the permanent revolution

M. G. Whisson

Coloured, White, Indian: the past is theirs, the future is ours

Catholic Grouping

Comments on the financial allegations contained in the 4th interim report of the Schlebusch/le Grange Commission

Commercial Services in Rural Areas - A Case Study

Ged Martin

Commission of Inquiry into the riots at Soweto and other places in South Africa held on 1 December 1976

Commission of Inquiry into the riots at Soweto and other places in South Africa held on 1 December 1976, Volume 73

Commission of Inquiry into the riots at Soweto and other places in South Africa held on 1 December 1976, Volume 75