Archives by publication date
- Non-racialism, non-collaboration and Communism in South Africa: The contribution of Yusuf Dadoo during his exile years (1960-1983) by Allison Drew | Official Document - Conference Paper |
- The History of the Indians in Natal by Mabel Palmer
- Segregation and the emergence of a left-wing grouping within the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congress
- Afrindian Fictions: Diaspora, Race, and National Desire in South Africa by Pallavi Rastogi | Book chapter
- Trade Union Organizer in Durban: M B Yengwa, 1943-1944 by Baruch Hirson | Article
- African and Indian in Durban by Fatima Meer | Article
- An Ascendant Sugarocracy: Natal's Millers-cum-Planters, 1905-1939 by David Lincoln
- National Liberation, Non-Racialism and 'Indianness' the 1947 visit of Dadoo and Naicker to India by Goolam Vahed and Ashwin Desai
- Indian people in Natal by Hilda Kuper
- South Africa Defies United Nations, what next? by Sorabjee Rustomjee, Ashwin Choudree and A.I. Meer
- Shadhan Naidoo, 1961-1989
- Young, Gifted and Black by Carmel T. M. Chetty
- “We Shall Resist” - The Role of Indian Women in the Passive Resistance Campaign 1946-1948 by Kalpana Hiralal | Article
- Indian Life and Labour in Natal by Prof. Raymond Burrows
- The need to understand: a call to South Africans of Indian descent
- The Natal menace
- Natal Indian Congress - The Significance of Its Revival | Article
- Indentured Indians in Natal, 1860 - 1902: A Study Based on Ship's lists by Surendra Bhana, October 1987
- Indian passive resistance in South Africa: 1946 - 1948 by E. S. Reddy
- India and South Africa - A Collection of Papers by E.S. Reddy
- The Indian War Memorial: National Memory and Selective Forgetting by Eric Itzkin
- ‘African Gandhi’: The South African War and the Limits of Imperial Identity by Goolam Vahed
- 150th Anniversary; Anxieties of Commemoration - Towards a National Dialogue by Omar Badsha and Jon Soske
- 'Opening Address' at Annual Conference of the South African Indian Congress by Dr. S. M. Molema, 25 January 1952
- Labouring under the Law: Exploring the Agency of Indian Women under Indenture in Colonial Natal, 1860 – 1911 | Article
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