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Part One - South African Socialists and the radically-divided working class
Document 1 - Keir Hardie, "Stoned in South Africa", 1907
Document 2 - Letter from the Cape Labour Party to James Ramsay, 12 August 1908
Document 3 - Letter from F. A. W. Lucas to James Ramsay MacDonald,
Document 4 - "The Great Native Strike", " The International, 27 February 1920,
Document 5 - "Trade Union Notes", The Bolshevik, March 1920 (Extract)
Document 6 - M. Lopes, "Socialism and the Labour Party", The Bolshevik, April 1920
Document 7 - 'White South Africa.' Two Voices." The International, 27 January 1922
Document 8 - S. P. Bunting, The "Colonial" Labour Front, 23 October 1922
Document 9 - Letter from W. H. Andrews to Tom Mann," 26 December 1922
Document 12 - Letter from T. W. Thibedi19 to E. R. Roux 20, 27 January 1927
Document 13 - Letter from John Gomes to C. F. Glass, 31 May 1927
Document 14 - Letter from C. F. Glass to John Gomas, 7 June 1927
Document 15 - E. R. Roux, Black and White Trade Unionism in South Africa, 28 July 1928
Document 16 - Letter from Clements Kadalie to E. R. Roux, 10 October 1928
Document 17 - Letter from E. R. Roux to W.G. Ballinger, 19 March 1929
Document 19 - Communist Party of South Africa, Memo on S.A.F.N.T.U. (1930)
Document 21 - Letter from S. P. Bunting to E. R. Roux, 27 October 1930
Part Two - Communists and the national struggle: The Native Republic Thesis
Document 22 - Letter from Douglas Wolton to E. R. Roux, 8 May 1928
Document 23 - S. P. Bunting, Statement presented at the Sixth Comintern Congress, 23 July 1928
Document 27 - Letter from E. R. Roux to Douglas Wolton, 5 September 1928
Document 29 - Letter from S. P. Bunting to E. R. Roux, 5 December 1928
Document 30 - Letter from S. P. Bunting fo E. R. Roux, 9 January 1929
Document 31 - Letter from E.R. Roux to Victor Danchin, 6 March 1929
Document 32 - League of African Rights, Petition, 1929
Document 33 - League of Atrican Rights, Announcement of Meeting, 25 August 1929
Part Three - The Comintern and the New Line
Document 37 - Letter from S. P. Bunting to E. R. Roux, 29 November 1930
Document 39 - Statement by S. P. Bunting, October 1931
Part Four - The origins and development of Trotskyism in South Africa
Document 40 - Letter from T. W. Thibedi to the Communist League ot America', 26 April 1932
Document 41 - Letter from the Communist League of America to T.W. Thibedi, 30 May 1932
Document 43 - Letter from T. W. Thibedi fo Leon Trotsky, 10 August 1932
Document 44 - Letter from Leon Trotsky to T. W. Thibedi, 4 September 1932
Document 48 - Lenin Club, Draft Thesis: The Native Question (Majority) (1934)
Document 49 - Lenin Club, Draft Thesis: Introduction (Minority) (1934)
Document 59 - Letter from the Workers' Party of South Africa to N. J. Barclay, 21 February 1936
Document 72 - Letter from R. T. R. Molefe to London comrades, 21 February 1938
Document 73 - Letter from The Spark to M.S. Njisane, Flagstaff, 15 September 1938
Part Five - Building political alliances: Workers' unity and Black united fronts
Document 76 - Communist Party of South Africa, What is the Native Independent Republic? (1934)
Document 77 - M. K., "Fascism in South Africa", Umsebenzi, 13 January, 1934
Document 81 - D. I., "What the 'A.C.C.' Means", Umsebenzi, 26 January 1935
Document 82 - "Is There a Native Bourgeoisie?" Umsebenzi, 2 February 1935
Document 83 - "Native Bourgeoisie as a Class", Umsebenzi, 16 February 1935
Document 85 - E. R. Roux, "The Native Exploiters: A reply to 'A. Z.'", Umsebenzi, 20 April 1935
Document 86 - E. T. Mofutsanyana, "The Native Exploiters in South Africa", Umsebenzi, 27 April 1935
Document 87 - "Lessons of the AII-Bantu Convention", The Spark, 2,2, February 1936
Document 88 - "No Compromise", Umsebenzi, 29 February 1936
Document 89 - "People's Front and the Cry for Unity in South Africa", The Spark, 2, 4, April 1936
Document 96 - "C, B. I. Joins Workers' Party", Umlilo Mollo/The Flame, 1, 1.Sepfember 1936
Document 98 - "The All African Convention", Umlilo Mollo/The Flame, 1,2, October 1936
Document 101 - Letter from Workers' Party of South Africa to G. H. Gool, 4 March 1937
Document 102 - Workers' Party of Soufh Africa, Liberation League (c. March 1937)
Document 104 - Boycott the Elections! The Spark, 3,4, April 1937
Document 106 - "Notes of the month", Umvikeli-Thebe/The African Defender 9, June 1937
Document 111 - Letters from Moses Kotane to John Gomas,14, 17, 18 and 23 December 1937
Document 113 - National Liberation League of South Africa, Honesty is the Best Policy (c. 1938)
Document 114 - (National Liberation League?), How To Work Among Urban Africans
Document 118 - Johannesburg District Communist Party, Call to a Non-European United Front!
Document 120 - Draft Programme of the Communist Party of South Africa (c. 1940)
Part Six - World war and the suppression of socialism
Document 122 - "Manifesto Against Imperialist War", Socialist Action1, August 1939
Document 124 - Letter from Max Gordon 6 to Fanny Klenerman 7, 21 December 1940
Document 125 - ENTERTAINMENT OF MAX GORDON (c. 1941)
Document 126 - Letter from W. G. Ballinger to Mampurie (Self-Mampuru, 1 May 1941
Document 127 - 6 Point Communist Programme c. 7 94 J)
Document 131 - "Why did the V.F.P. Strike Fail?", Workers Voice, 1 February 1944
Document 132 - "Our Programme", Progressive Trade Union Bulletin, 1,1, February 1945
Document 139 - "The coming Anti-African Bill", Workers' Voice, 6,2, December 1947