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Community Based Public Works Programme

In an effort to alleviate one of the enduring effects of the Apartheid system - the unrelenting poverty in many areas and for many people – the Department of Public Works initiated its Community Based Public Works Programme (CBPWP).

The programme was implemented to allow communities to help themselves by giving them access to resources they would otherwise lack. With these resources and guidance it was hoped that community project could uplift the various areas. 

This book documents the issues that are facing the country and its people as well the various projects that may help it.

This book and the material with was created by:

Omar Badsha is a leading photographer and head of South African History Online. He currently lives in Pretoria.

Julia Maxted has written extensively on human rights and poverty and teaches Geography at the University of Pretoria.

Liam Lynch is a documentary photographer living in Pretoria, and also works as a graphic designer at South African History Online.

Cedric Nunn is a leading documentary photographer based in Johannesburg and until recently was head of the Market Photographic Workshop.

Jeeva Rajgopaul is a former science teacher, now a freelance photographer who lives in Durban. Like Badsha and Nunn, he was a member of Afrapix, the well-known photographic collective of the 1980s.

Andrew Tshabangu is a documentary photographer based in Soweto, whose work has been shown widely at home and abroad.