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The Battle of Blood River Heritage Site in KwaZulu-Natal represents a unique way of Historic storytelling because there are 2 separate interpretive centres, each dealing with 1 side of the story of events leading up to the famous battle between Zulu impis and the Boer Voortrekkers. The most interesting feature of the Blood River Heritage site is; that it tells the story of the Battle of Blood River, an epic battle fought in 1838 between Zulu impis and Boer commandos, from both sides. On 6 February 1838, Voortrekker leader Piet Retief and 67 of his men were killed by Zulu forces under the Zulu chief, Dingane. The Voortrekkers had come to the royal kraal to negotiate the rights to settle in parts of Zulu territory. The Zulu impis (warriors) then killed more than 500 of Retief’s party at what was later called Weenen (Place of Weeping), on 17 February. Much later that year, on 9 December, another prominent Voortrekker leader called Andries Pretorius and his group made a vow to God that if they were granted victory over the Zulus, they would build a church in his name and keep the day sacred. A week later they took on Dingane’s army. The evening of 15 December 1838, when a massive Zulu force of between 10 000 and 20 000 warriors, divided into their various regiments, began to encircle the Voortrekker encampment or 'Laager' of circled wagons. A heavy mist had begun to settle. Preparations for a pitched battle had begun on both sides. The Boer laager was well placed, between the Ncome (Buffalo) River and a 'donga' (which is a deep natural drainage ditch). Trekker leader Andries Pretorius and his 470-strong group had their muskets and 2 cannons at the ready. If the next morning brought rain, their gunpowder could be compromised, as well as the visibility outside the laager. This would be a great advantage to the Zulu army, led by King Dingane’s generals, Dambuza and Ndlela kaSompisi. But the next day was clear and sunny, and the sight of the massed Zulus around the laager must have been a thrilling and terrifying one. The battle began, and wave upon wave of Zulus were repulsed by the Boer guns. By midday more than 3 000 Zulus lay dead, with only 3 Boers wounded. At the nearby Ncome Museum – with its Zulu war horn formation displays and reed garden – you will hear a similar account of the battle. Where the 2 interpretive sites differ, however, is in their interpretation of events leading up to that fateful encounter at the river. Situated in the centre of Corthern KwaZulu-Natal, Dundee has long connections with coal mining, military conflict and a rich and varied History. Although coal mining is no longer as prominent as it once was, the History and scenery of the area provides a wealth of interesting activities for visitors. The town is characterised by numerous historical buildings with historical connections that date back over 100 years. Named by Peter Smith in memory of his links with Scotland, the town and area still echoes a number of those links, borne out in the names of farms, villages and mountains. Today the area is noted for its agricultural industry, particularly dairy, beef and game ranching. Tours specialising in the military history, Zulu culture, game viewing, “hunting, birding and fishing”, hiking and horse trails, are all on offer. This is where the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902 began and the Talana Museum, Heritage Park and Battlefield has superb exhibits on the battles of the area. It is also the home to the Coal Mine Museums of South Africa, an exquisite glass collection, Peter Smith’s home and farm steading and much more. Dundee is an excellent central base for visits to Rorkes Drift, Isandlwana, Fugitives Drift, Blood River/Ncome Museum, Maria Ratschitz and a host of other interesting sites.

CHARLES GEORGE WILLSON and the establishment of Dundee

(By Pam McFadden)

A Londoner by birth, Charles Willson was only a toddler when his family landed in Natal in 1852. On his way up country in 1873, he met William Craighead Smith, who was travelling down to Durban. Smith advised him to set up a store in the Sterkstroom Valley where seven roads met.

Peter Smith leased him four acres on his farm “Dundee” and the general store opened in the name of Thos. Muirhead & Co. Thirty three years later, on his way to England for his first visit back to the “Old Country”, Willson confessed that when he first came to Dundee he “hadn’t enough to buy a match”.

By 1906, when his friends held a farewell banquet at the Victoria Hotel in his honour, C.G. (as he was popularly known) was recognised as one of the “four Fathers of Dundee” and had a long record of public service.

He held the Zulu War medal 1879, for his services as a sergeant with the Buffalo Border Guard and a long service medal presented on his retirement, with the rank of Captain, from the Natal Carbineers in 1900. He had been present at the Battle of Talana and survived the Siege of Ladysmith.

He served as the first Mayor of Dundee, as a Justice of the Peace, was a member of the Legislative Assembly and had served Dundee’s interests diligently.

A considerable landowner, C.G. had also been a great local benefactor. His membership of the first Town Board and Chairmanship of successive boards was vigorous and it was primarily he who was responsible for the supply of water and electricity to early Dundee. In particular it was his representations to authority, that brought the railway line through the Waschbank Valley to Glencoe junction, a matter of great importance to Dundee coal interests. The first train steamed into Glencoe Junction on 4 September 1889. In March 1889, an agreement with the Colonial Government was negotiated for a branch line to Dundee. This branch line 7 miles 3 440 feet long ran from Glencoe Junction, (now Glencoe) to the coal mine on the farm Coalfields (Talana). The line was opened to coal and passenger traffic on 28 March and for general freight on 8 July 1890. Two stations were provided: one at Dundee, the other at Coalfields (Talana). This line was taken over by the Natal Government Railway on 1 July 1896.

Charles and his wife (born Maria Lydia Sophia Schkummeketel) were deeply respected in the community. His early death at 62 in 1912 was a great loss to the district he had served.

Many people were attracted to the coal mines (coal had been discovered in 1864) and the need for a town was soon being discussed.

Peter Smith was persuaded by his son, William Craighead Smith and by his sonn-in-law Dugald MacPhail and friend, Charles Willson, to establish a town as well. 1000 acres of “Dundee” farm was used for this purpose, with additional donations of land from William Craighead Smith, Dugald MacPhail and Charles Willson. This township was called “Dundee Proper”.

George Sutton, had a township surveyed and planned on the farm “Coalfields” in 1882. This he called “Dundee”. He sold his interests to Frederick Still, who developed the township.

Both townships were proclaimed in 1882. Two years later, in 1884 the Government decided to have a finger in the pie and established “Dundee Extension”.

Thus, until 1896, when the joint townships achieved Borough status, Dundee was divided into three parts: “Dundee”, “Dundee Proper” and “Dundee Extension”. Powerful business associates brought capital into the small mining town, which developed so rapidly and in such style that it became known as “Coalopolis” and the “Capital” of Northern Natal. It boasted fine public buildings, splendid churches and – thanks to its mining magnates – electricity! Before the Anglo-Boer War, Dundee grew at a phenomenal rate.

Willson St is named in his memory.


Further Reading