Jackson Lehupa (48) was from Mount Fletcher in the Eastern Cape. He began working for Lonmin around 2007.
On 16 August 2012 Mr Lehupa was killed at scene 1, after being shot 11 times in his back, shoulder, buttock, groin, thighs, calves and feet.
He was the breadwinner in his family and left behind his wife and six children. He also supported extended family members, including three of his brother’s and three of his sister’s children.
According to his customary law wife, Zameka Nungu, a few months after his death, “I heard that it’s a practice on the part of the mine to agree to take family members in place of an employee. Usually a child or partner replaces the deceased. If any such offer were made I would definitely take it up. I want to work so that I can support my children. So I will have to get someone to look after my children while I am away.”