Henry “Black Cat” Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa.  As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye.


Henry “Black Cat” Cele Biography, Public Contribution from JT Communications,  Biographies from the Siyabakhumbula Awards, 2011.| Anon, The Role of Shaka Zulu was Played by Henry Cele in 1983, Depicting The True Life of the Zulu People [online] Available at www.zulu-culture-history.com [Accessed 7 June 2011]| Anon, Henry Cele, from Whos Who Southern Africa, [online] Available at www.whoswhosa.co.za  [Accessed 7 June 2007]| Anon, Henry Cele profile [online] Available at www.loudletters.com  [Accessed 7 June 2011]| Shakur, A (2007), Henry Cele-Shaka Zulu from Assata Shakur, [online] Available at www.assatashakur.org Accessed 7 June 2007| Zulu, M & Motsepe, C, (2007), Henry Cele died 'an angry man' from News24, 5 November,  [online] Available at www.news24.com  [Accessed 7 June 2011]| Woolaganathan ‘Jackson’ Perumal, Durban, SAHO Telephonic interview ”“ 7 June 2011

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