Constance Helen Greaves was born in Brighton, Sussex, England 1882. She was renowned for her work in a field now seen as peculiar to the colonial period. This was the "native study". The genre emerged in SA at this time as a result of efforts by the likes of Leo Francois to create a school of figure painting as an antidote to the prevalence of landscape. An incentive for this appeared when Karl Gundelfinger, a Durban patron, established the Gundelfinger Prize, worth 20 guineas, for the best painting of "native life" exhibited at the NSA in Durban. Greaves, who worked in watercolour, won the prize in 1930. She was also a frequent exhibitor on SASA exhibitions in Cape Town. Born in Brighton, she studied at the Brighton School of Art. She lived between England and SA, but finally returned in 1930 to settle, at first in the Transkei, and then near Richmond in Natal. She travelled widely in SA, Rhodesia and Tanganyika, making many sketches for her paintings. She drew quickly with her brush and this gave her paintings a "rare simplicity and detachment" (Hillebrand, 1986:133). This was a quality lacking in the more laboured work in this genre by others. Her overall approach was, however, essentially conservative and descriptive. Prints and postcards other work served to increase her popularity. Demand for her originals caused a decline in their quality and her technique. After 1945 she painted from memory rather than the model, emphasised the more decorative and sentimental aspects of her subject. She died in Cala, Ciskei, 1966.
Curriculum Vitae
Exhibitor on SASA-related exhibitions c.1898 - 1950: 1919:SASA An Exh,, MH, City Hall, Darling St., 6 Feb. 1931: 1st Annual Exh. of Contemp. National Art, SAAG (SANG) with SASA, 7 Dec. -31 Mar. 1932. 1940: SASA 37th Annual Exh., AG, Burg St., 29Jan- 10 Feb. 1941: SASA 38th Annual Exh., SANG, 17 Feb.-31 Mar. 1942: SASA 39th Annual Exh., SANG, 23 Feb. -18 Apr. 1942:SASA Winter Exh. (venue not stated) 14-29 Aug. 1943: SASA 40th Annual Exh., (in comb. With NSA) SANG, 1 Feb. 1943: SASA Winter Exh., MUG, 14 -25 Sep. 1944: 41 st Annual Exh. of SAContemp. Art, org. by SASA with other Societies, SANG, 25 Feb-1945: 42nd Annual Exh. of Contemp. SA Art, org. by SASA, MMG, 6 - 20 Apr. 1945: SASA Members' Exh., Ashbey's Gall., ChurchSt., 10 - 24 Sep. 1946: 43 rd Annual Exh. of Contemp. SA Art, arr.by SASA with NSA, MMG, 5 - 23 Apr. 1946: SASA Members' Exh.,Ashbey's Gall., Church St., 6 - 20 Sep. 1947: 44th Annual Exh. ofContemp. SA Art, arr. by SASA, MMG, 11-26 Apr. 1948: SASA 45 th Annual Exh., MMG, 20 Apr. - 1 May.