Activist, lay preacher, served as a senator in the first Democratic state and also a member of the Provincial Legislature.
Alfred Toto Metele was born to farmworker parents,in the farming area of Qumhra, Eastern Cape. He attended school at Mooiplaas, outside East London, where he enjoyed playing rugby and cricket. Metele became a fieldworker with the Border Council of Churhces (BCC) in 1976. The Bureau of State Security kept a close eye on BCC members, especially Metele due to his devout membership to the African National Congress (ANC) which he had joined in the early 1960s.
Metele was a passionate activist, in 1965 he was detained for 90 days, he vowed to fight the oppresive Apartheid system at all cost. He was detained again in the 1980s along with Dlaki Vabazi for 9 months as they refused to testify against fellow comrades.
He continued to serve his cause, making several trips to Lusaka, to the ANC. During one of these trips an attempt was made on his life by petrol bombing his home, Metele and his family had luckliy escaped this attempt.Charles Sebe considered Metele a serious threat to his rule in the then Ciskei bantustan.
Metele served as a senator in the first democratic state as well as a member of the Provincial Legislature. He was also elected president of the Border Rugby Union.
Metele went on to serve on various committees and boards, he stayed active in both community and church work.
Metele died on 9 April 2008. He was buried near his home in Mooiplaas, East London