“Peoples of the world united against apartheid, for a democratic South Africa”, Closing speech by Oliver Tambo at the ANC conference, Arusha, 4 December

Peoples of the world united against apartheid, for a democratic South Africa 

The time has come for all of us to leave this friendly city which has been our home for a few days, and return to our respective theatres of struggle. The sadness we might feel at this parting is lessened by the knowledge that we leave as emissaries of a common cause, committed to energise all humanity everywhere to act against apartheid, for a democratic South Africa.

"Future of the Africanist Movement" Questions and Answers Y R. M. Sobukwe, in The Africanist, January 1959

Q: Who are the Africanists?

A. A simple answer would be that they are the members of the Africanist Movement. But, if one wishes to go deeper into the question, one would say that they are those Africans who believe that African Nationalism is the only liberatory outlook that can bind together the African masses by providing them with a loyalty higher than that of the tribe and thus mould them into a militant disciplined fighting force.

Q: How long has your movement been in existence?

Kaunda to be discharged from hospital, 25 September 2012

Lusaka - Zambia's independence hero and first president Kenneth Kaunda was to be discharged from hospital on Tuesday, four days after being admitted with an undisclosed ailment, medical sources said.

“There are many factors to look at before he is discharged, but he will be discharged today,” University Teaching Hospital managing director Lackson Kasonka told AFP.

“We are consulting his family to know where he will be accommodated, because he needs to be at a quiet place where he can rest,” said Kasonka.