Harry Heinz Schwarz

Harry Schwarz (born Heinz Schwarz) was born in Cologne, Germany (Weimar Republic) on 13 May 1924. Growing up in a Jewish family, Schwarz witnessed the rise of the Nazi regime. He was subject to the Third Reich’s racial laws against Jews, notably, as a young child being thrown off a tram for being a Jew. In 1934, Schwarz, his younger brother Kurt and his mother Alma left Germany for South Africa travelling on the SS Giulio Cesaro, which left from Genoa, Italy.

Dingaan Bongani Thobela

Dingaan Bongani “The Rose of Soweto” Thobela was born at Baragwanath hospital on 24 September 1966. His mother named him Bongani, but his paternal grandmother decided he should have a different name since he had a half brother from his father’s side with the same name. She decided on the name Dingaan. Thobela later decided to keep Bongani as his middle name. His parents separated soon after he was born.

Oupa Ronald Madondo

Oupa Ronald Madondo (known as MK Scorpion) was born on 20 May 1948 in Sophiatown, Johannesburg, Transvaal (now Gauteng). With the advent of forced removals from Sophiatown, his family was relocated to Dube, Soweto, in 1958.

After matriculating from Pimville High School in Soweto, his first job was at The Star delivering newspapers. Later, up until his disappearance, he worked in his mother’s coal yard in Kliptown.

William Tilden McClain

William Tilden McClain, son of Mary and Harry McClain and an elder brother to David Jack McClain was born on 14 January 1923 in Shelbyville, Indiana. McClain was academically oriented and studied law at Indiana School of Law, graduating Magna cum laude. While studying, he excelled in boxing, sailing and shooting. He was keenly involved in the civil rights movement and labour issues. After graduating from Law School, he worked on the Industrial Labour Board of the State of Indiana and served as Deputy District Attorney for Illinois.