Knysna Lagoon, Garden Route- Western Province

The Knysna Lagoon opens between two massive cliffs, known as The Heads, these stand tall, acting as rugged watchmen over the pristine loveliness of the lagoon. Here, exquisite views of the water surging through the narrowed entrance make for idyllic backdrops to your Garden Route excursion.

Once proclaimed by the British Royal Navy: "to be the most dangerous Harbour entrance in the World!" The Knysna Lagoon is an Estuary supporting the Ecology along the Coastline with its valuable nutrients!

The History of the Knysna Lagoon is very interesting! First discovered in the early 1500's by the Portuguese explorers seeking the sea route to India they named the Area around the Lagoon: "the Outeniquas". From out at sea the Portuguese noticed large columns of smoke emanating from the Forests that could be seen around the Lagoon. On further inspection they discovered that the fires were caused by the local Khoi people who started them to smoke out bees so that they could harvest honey in the hives found in the trees. Seeing, men laden with honey coming out of the forests they named the place, “The Outeniquas”. It was only after the arrival of the Dutch in 1652 that Europeans actually started exploring the hinterland of the Cape. It took until the 1760's for the explorers to reach Knysna. The first permanent settlement in the Area occurred in 1770 when the Farm: 'Melkhoutkraal', which surrounded large parts of the lagoon was allocated to a local farmer by the authorities in the Cape.

Eight years later, Governor Joachim van Plettenberg visited the Area on a journey of discovery and seeing the extent of the Knysna Forests became interested in obtaining supplies of wood for the Cape Colony. The Cape had a shortage of wood as most of the Indigenous trees had been cut down and used for housing and ship building by the Dutch colonists. When George Rex a Timber Merchant, from Cape Town arrived in the Area in 1804 he found that transporting timber by ox wagon was an almost impossible task. He then suggested to the authorities that it might be an idea to transport the timber by sea and commissioned his friend George Callender, to investigate the possibility of shipping timber from Outeniqua to land by sea, using the Knysna lagoon. As his Farm 'Melkhoutkraal' bordered on the Lagoon and he provided the Land, for the Jetties to be built. Up to this point in the History of the lagoon, no large ships had attempted to enter the Knysna lagoon through the two sandstone heads that guarded its entrance so no one knew whether it would be possible to export timber by sea. The first ship to attempt entry was the 188-ton Royal Navy brig; “Emu”, which did so on the 11th February 1817. The attempt was unsuccessful as she ran aground on a submerged rock and had to be beached on a sandbank just inside the mouth of the Lagoon. A few months later in May of 1817, the “Podargus” was sent to rescue the crew and salvage the cargo of the Emu. It became the first ship to successfully enter the Lagoon paving the way for the advancement of the timber Industry in the Area. As a result the timber Industry flourished!

23° 25.2", -34° 2' 20.4"

18 Gangster Museum, Khayelitsha

18 Gangster Museum is an initiative in the Cape Town Township of Khayelitsha, the first Living Museum in Cape Town! The creation of the Museum is to help the youths of South Africa better understand gangsterism and the prison system. There by providing a positive alternative, for those heading down the path of gangsterism by giving susceptible youths a hands-on look into what that life is like! In the museum a person is exposed to immersive text and imagery, as well as experiencing a replica of a prison cell! This all facilitated by ex-offenders themselves. The Museum includes a prison cell, where an ex-offender and gang member is voluntarily stationed with the aim of interacting with the visitors and telling them what life on the streets and in jail is like in an authentic, first-hand way. The ex-offenders who are involved in this project share their real-life experiences of gangsterism and their time in prison- all in attempt to turn their lives around! Visitors are also given insights into the current crime and gang-related statistics in South Africa, as well as an opportunity to see how some gang members have undergone a thorough rehabilitation process so that they can be positive contributors to their communities. 18 Gangster Museum has an array of merchandise on sale; including portraits and other designs by ex-prisoners and inmates that discovered their creative side whilst incarcerated. This is the first gangster Museum on the African Continent and is, therefore, a very important part of the local Tourism and allows the community to offer something back! This Cape Town attraction is open from Monday to Sunday. There is a 3 Hour Walking Tour which explores, the History of Khayelitsha and how the Gangs are now are transforming and contributing positively in shaping their society!

18° 41' 24", -34° 2' 56.4"

Moyisile Douglas Tyutyu

Moyisile Douglas Tyutyu was born in 1935* in KwaZakhele, Port Elizabeth, Transkei (now Eastern Cape Province). His interest in politics was sparked from a young age when he witnessed how Black people were being treated at the hands of the apartheid regime.

Ntongela Masilela

Professor Ntongela Masilela was born on 9 December 1948 in Orlando West, Soweto, Transvaal Province (now Gauteng), the eldest son of Florence Vuyiswa Masilela and Dr Albert Mahlathini Magija Masilela. His grandparents strongly believed in education and his father was one of the first graduates in his village in the Northern Transvaal (now known as Limpopo Province).

Life Orientation Classroom


CAPS-based resource packs for Grade 10-12 Life Orientation. These packs focus on topic 1, 'Development of the Self in Society', and topic 3, 'Democracy and Human Rights'. The LO packs contextualise some of the topic themes, and provide educational activities for students and teachers. 

Please send us your comments. If you are a teacher, feel free to share some of the resources that you have developed.