RMS Athens, a Shipwreck between Moullie Point and Green Point

The "Royal Mail Ship Athens" was an iron steam screw barque of 739 tons, built in 1856 by Denny of Dumbarton and operated by the Union shipping company. It was wrecked between Mouille Point and Green Point on 17 May, 1865. This occurred at night, after the boiler fires were extinguished by heavy seas during a North-West gale while trying to steam out of Table Bay. The ship had been lying at anchor while preparing for a voyage to Mauritius. The site can be identified by the remains of the engine-block, which is visible above the water. This site is not in a Marine Protected Area. A permit is not required to dive here!
It was Wrecked between to the Promenades of Mouille Point and Green Point may notice; something man-made sticking out of the ocean, less than 100 metres from shore. This artefact is the iron engine block of the Royal Mail Steamer Athens, which ran aground here in the 'Great North Westerly Gale' of 17 May 1865. Seventeen ships were wrecked World-wide, during this colossal gale.
The wreck is very broken up and overgrown with kelp. It is possible to dive the wreck; indeed, owing to its accessibility from shore, it has been extensively “salvaged” in the last 150-plus years! The average maximum depth is about; 7 meters. Although some of the wreckage is very shallow and in the surf zone. This site is not in a Marine Protected Area, so no permit is not required.

-33° 31' 48", 18° 14' 24"

Tolstoy Farm, near Johannesburg

It was in South Africa that Gandhi developed, between 1910 and 1913, his Satyagraha philosophy of passive resistance, and it was on Tolstoy Farm that he and his followers lived out this philosophy. The Farm was named after Russian novelist and philosopher Leon Tolstoy. Hermann Kallenbach, a white farmer, was so impressed with the peaceful way of life at Phoenix that he offered Gandhi his own big Farm near Johannesburg to start another colony. He suggested that all those who had lost their jobs and homes by their participation in the Satyagraha could be settled there. The new colony was established in 1910 and named ‘Tolstoy Farm’, after the great Russian writer whom Gandhi much admired. Here people who were different in nationality, religion, and colour lived together like one family. They worked hard and shared the fruits of their labour! At present, all that is left of Tolstoy Farm, on land owned by brick company; 'Corobrik' are the foundations. Negotiations are currently underway between the Gandhi Centenary Council (GCC) and Corobrik to draw up an agreement governing the use of the land. "The owner has shown an interest in keeping the legacy of Gandhi alive and is prepared to donate the land, provided it is used for the museum and training centre. The GCC plans to erect the Mahatma Gandhi Museum and a multi-skills training centre on the Lenasia property, approximately 35km from the City centre and 17km from Soweto. Work will begin on the development in February, said GCC vice-chairman Prema Naidoo. At present, all that is left of Tolstoy Farm, are the foundations! "The revival of Tolstoy Farm, the Commune started by Mahatma Gandhi during his tenure in Johannesburg a Century ago, received a further boost with contributions from the Indian government on his 152nd birthday on Saturday." (an exert from https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/revival-of-mahatma-gandhi-s-commune-tolstoy-farm-in-south-africa-continues-101633209478980.html)
26° 21' 50.4", -27° 48' 57.6"