From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 66 - Letter from the Workers' Party of South Africa, Johannesburg, to the Cape Town branch, 21 February 1937


90 PRESIDENT STREET,                    P.O. BOX 2639,

JOHANNESBURG                          JOHANNESBURG

                                                                                                              21st February 1937 Secretary,


C.T. Branch,

Cape Town.

Dear Comrade,

We have been busy organising the African Metal Trades Union and as you will see from the letter they have sent you, battles lie ahead of us. In leading the first strike of 1937 the "counter revolutionary" Troskyites are flinging the lie in the faces of the wretched Stalinists.38 I will keep the Cape Town Branch in constant touch with developments. Please make the fullest use ofour resources, the Spark, Spartacus Club, etc in giving pulbicity to, and gaining support for the strike of the African metal workers.

Miners are joining our union and a victory in this strike will give to the Troskyites the leadership in the rising strike wave which shows signs of inundating South Africa.

                                                                                                                                  Yours fraternally,

