From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 61 - Minutes of the meeting of the Workers' Party of South Africa, Johannesburg Branch, held at 90 President Street, Johannesburg, 25 March (1936) at 8.30 p.m.

Present: Freislich. Kahn. Phashe, Gosani, Pompey, Sapire, Lee (sec)

Com Phashe was elected chairman.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

A letter replying to C. B. J. Dladla was read.

Com Freislich reported that 14 had attended the last lecture at the Spartacus Club. The order of the next two lectures was changed to 1) sapire, 2) Gosani. Com Phashe reported that on Saturday night among native miners he had spoken on trade unionism.

Com Gosani reported that in his weeks organising tour he had visited in turn Benoni Location, West Springs, Daggasfontein, Nigel, Lago Collieries, Welgedachte, Klipfontein and Simmer and Jack. He had made contacts and secured promises from individuals in these districts to act as local correspondents for the bulletin. After discussion it was decided to bring up again at future meetings the question of making regular and systematic tours in accordance with a general plan of campaign.

Com Phashe reported that he had visited Heidelberg. No meeting had been held by Dladla. There were reports on the progress in classes, literature sales, and library. Com Lee reported that articles had been submitted in English and Sesotho for publication in the bulletin.

Com Kahn reported that to date a total of £25.1.3 had been collected towards the Press Fund. There was a general discussion of practical matters arising in connection with future party activities. The meeting concluded at 10 p.m.

