From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 46 - Letter from the International Secretariat of the International left Opposition to Johannesburg comrades, 23 October 1932

                                                                                                                                          Berlin 23/10/32

Johannesburg, South-Africa-

Dear comrades,

We are glad to receive your letter of the 4/10 and are expecting your informational letter for publication. The great importance the Left Opposition takes on the question of communist negro workers, also appears in the letter of Trotski relative on the question. How many comrades are members of your League? Probably, the Communist Party (official) has much more members than your League. Is it not so? Please write us the proportion of membership and the number of inembers of your League. The american comrades write that the number is about 2000. Is it not the case?

Do you know the platform-documents of the Left Opposition (chinese Revolution, anglo-russian committee, russian question, our position to the 3d International, etc)?

The possibilities of financial support are extremely restricted. Our sections are composed of workers, who are to a great extend, unemployed. Our periodicals are struggling with great difficulties and often their economical life is really endangered.

Notwithstanding we will undertake all possibilities for your financial support. Have you the intenlion of publishing a journal or, at least, a multiplicated bulletin? Is it not possible to correspond with you on the german, french or russian language? Who is Victor Danchin'? We only know, that he ordered some russian literature of the Left Opposition.

Hoping to take with you the most active connections,

                                                                                                                   we are with fraternal greetings,

                                                                                                                                                                     I. S.