7 May 1960
On 7 May 1960, two American transports descended on Durban with 33 airmen on board to prepare for a mission to launch a long-range rocket which the United States hoped would be accomplished within a week. The 24 crew members and nine technicians under the leadership of Lt-Col. Spencer Morgan were based in Durban. America hoped to fire the rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida into the Indian Ocean, somewhere in the vicinity of Prince Edward Island,  1,900 miles south-east of Cape Town.

Anon, (1960), ‘American Transports arrived in Durban,’ from The Star, 7 May, [Available at National library of South Africa]pg 1|Hutson, T., (2003), ‘Marion and Prince Edward Islands', from Ports and Ships, 28 December, [online], Available at https://ports.co.za [Accessed: 18 April 2011]