9 April 1926
John Davidson Rockerfeller was an industrialist and a philanthropist who founded the Standard American Oil Company. Rockefeller family is one of the richest families in the world and are said to be wealthier than some countries. On 9 April 1926 Rockefeller donated $ 10 million towards the building of a museum in Cairo, Egypt. The family has carried on the legacy of Philanthropy with the Rockefeller Foundation spending millions towards Universities, Health care and Schools in the US and across the globe.

Rockerfeller Archive Centre, John D Rockefeller, 1839 – 1937 ,[online] Available at: www.rockarch.org [Accessed: 8 April 2014]|Biography John D. Rockefeller, [online] Available at: www.biography.com [Accessed: 8 April 2014]