27 March 1960
Johannes Kerkorrel, talented Afrikaner musician and groundbreaking songwriter born in Johannesburg, on 27 March 1960. He started singing in the late 1980s while working for the conservative Afrikaner newspaper Rapport. He was later fired from the newspaper because of his political activism. Kerkorrel’s music was overtly critical of the apartheid government and, as a result, his albums were banned including Eet Kreef. On 12 November 2002 he committed suicide. His birth name was Ralph John Rabie. A film about his life, titled ‘Who killed Johannes Kerkorrel’ was released in 2011.

Staff Reporter, (2011), Who Killed Johannes Kerkorrel?, from Mail & Guardian, 04 August [online], Available at https://mg.co.za [Accessed: 19 March 2013]|South Africa, 'Dylan' of Afrikaans rock dies, from SouthAfrica.info, [online] Available at www.southafrica.info [Accessed: 20 March 2013]