Published date
31 December 1986
MBendi Information Sercvices Esso Africa - South Africa [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10 December 2012]|
ExxonMobil About us [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10 December 2012
Esso South Africa withdrew business from South Africa on 31 December 1986. The country was at the height of political conflict and violence that made it hard for most foreign companies to remain operational. Esso South Africa was an affiliate of America’s Exxon. It was one of the main producers of petroleum products.
Esso was one of the many companies to withdraw their business from South Africa during the eighties. However, many other companies chose to stay in the hope that they could contribute in the eradication of apartheid and achievement of equality. One of the companies that chose to remain in the country was Mobil, which later merged with Exxon to form ExxonMobil.