27 October 2005
On 27 October 2005 at about 11.30pm, the Trans Karoo Express collided with a stationary Blue Train in Deelfontein, near De Aar. The Blue Train was ahead of schedule and whiling time when the Karoo Train was diverted on to the same track and they collided. 24 people were injured in the collision. The Chief Executive Officer of Spoornet stated that the cause of the accident was a failure in the signaling system and the absence of a back-up system. The Trans Karoo Express has since been incorporated into Shosholoza Meyl, while the Blue train, a premier luxury train, is still running.

Mail & Guardian, (2005),'Blue Train, Trans Karoo collide head-on' (October 27),From:Mail & Guardian,[online] Available at: www.mg.co.za [Accessed on 8 October 2012]