A documentary and fine art photographer, Leonie's (nee Swanepoel) work is represented in galleries in New York, Los Angeles and Johannesburg. Leoni has co- produced one 24 minute documentary, Village of the Spirits, for SABC2 (2001), a 52 minute film on the Eritreain liberation struggle (yet to be broadcast, possibly Canadian Broadcasting Corp.), was soundperson on a 3-week documentary shoot for the Mennonite Central Committee in Mozambique (2001), and co-produced two inserts for CNN Inside Africa (2001).
Her visualisation skills enliven the films she has worked on, and her stills images are currently exhibited at The Axis Gallery in New York City, and at Kim Sacks Gallery in Johannesburg. Her work has also been used globally by the Mennonite Central Committee and will be featured in Insig Magazine in May 2002 and in leadership in June 2002.
She obtained a B.A. Urbanology in 1990 from the University OFS, and went on to become a Business Development Manager with News Edge Corporation, a U.S. High-Tech company, based in London and Geneva, Switzerland. Here, she managed accounts totalling USD 1 million, including some of the top Fortune 500 companies. Her ability to manage and analyse complex systems and provide swift and practical solutions stands her in good stead in managing a television production.