21 May 1991
On 21 May 1991 the medical adviser to the government, Dr Wilson Carswell made the shocking announcement that 100 000 South Africans are infected with the Human-immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV). By 1993 the number of recorded infections had increased by 60 percent. In 2012, an estimated 5, 3 Million South Africans are living with HIV. Sub Saharan Africa has the highest HIV infection rate in the world and South Africa’s rate is highest in the world.  It also has the highest number of sufferers on Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in the world. The availability of antiretroviral medication has significantly reduced the number of HIV/AIDS deaths in adults and children in South Africa. A survey done in 2004 had reported that South Africans spend more time at funerals than weddings, hair cuts or grocery shopping. References: Avert HIV and AIDS in South Africa [online] Available at: www.avert.org [Accessed on 16 May 2012] About HIV Around the World - South Africa, Political Turmoil and Denial Feeds a Raging Epidemic[online] Available at: http://aids.about.com[Accessed on 16 May 2012] HRSC Third national HIV survey shows SA's epidemic has stabilised, with promising signs of a declining epidemic among children and teenagers[online] Available at: www.hsrc.ac.za[Accessed on 16 May 2012]