Published date
2 May 1990
The Groote Schuur talks between the South African government and the African National Congress (ANC) were held on 2, 3 and 4 May 1990. These talks took place at the most delicate stage of negotiations. Violence in the townships was still widespread, and growing more brutal. In what became known as the Groote Schuur Minute the parties agreed on conditions to be met for ending political conflict in South Africa. The conditions included the release of political prisoners, the return of political exiles, and the gradual lifting of the nationwide State of Emergency. The Groote Schuur talks were followed by the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) in 1991 and 1992.
Kalley, J.A.; Schoeman, E. & Andor, L.E. (eds)(1999). Southern African Political History: a chronology of key political events from independence to mid-1997, Westport: Greenwood.|Boddy-Evans A. ‘Groote Schuur Minute’, from About.com African History, [online], available, at www.africanhistory.about.com(Accessed: 25 April 2012)