Published date
14 March 1994
On 14 March, 1994, the Transitional Executive Council (TEC) management committee decided on a new administration for Bophuthatswana. The decision followed a widespread revolt that gripped Bophuthatswana as demonstrators demanded the reincorporation of the nominally independent homeland into the Republic of South Africa and clashed with the police. South African troops in armoured vehicles were sent into the capital of Mmabatho after around 50 people were killed and scores were injured during violent clashes in the homeland. Mangope was removed from office by South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha and TEC member Mac Maharaj. Chief Lucas Mangope was overthrown as leader of Bophuthatswana and Dr. Tjaart van der Walt was appointed as the territory's new administrator.
Lawrence M. And Manson A. ‘The dog of boers: The rise and fall of Mangope in Bophuthatswana’,in the Journal of Southern Africa Studies, Vol 20, 3 September 1994, pg 447|South Africa. Info, ’72 Days that shaped South Africa’, [online], Available at www.southafrica.info[Accessed: 16 February 2012]|O’Malley P. ‘1994’, from Nelson Mandela Foundation, [online], Available at www.nelsonmandela.org[Accessed: 16 February 2012]