Published date
12 March 1975
On 12 March, 1975, Stanley Mabizela the African National Congress (ANC) Chief representative in Swaziland wrote a handwritten letter to the ANC to thank them for a visit by Thabo Mbeki and Max Sisulu in Swaziland. In his letter Mabizela wrote; “Dear Comrade, first, may I say we are very thankful to you for making it possible for us to be visited by comrade Thabo and Max. It was like a reunion of ‘lost sheep with their flock’. We all wanted to talk at the same time and to hear everything at once! Even the P.A.C chaps joined us, and very enthusiastically, before they remembered to catch themselves...”
In 1982, Mabizela was forced to leave Swaziland following a security agreement between King Sobhuza and the South African government. He then served as the ANC’s Chief Representative in Tanzania and Zimbabwe in the late 80s.
Digital Innovation South Africa, ‘Letter from Stanley Mabizela to Dear Comrade’,From: Digital Innovation South Africa,[online], Available at www.disa.ukzn.ac.za [Accessed: 15 February 2012]|The Road to democracy in South Africa Volume 2 [1970 ”“ 1980](Unisa Press of South Africa) pp 428 ”“ 431|Sellstrom T. (2002) Sweden and National Liberation in Southern Africa Volume II (Elanders Gotab, Stockholm) pp 637|South African History Online , ‘Stanley Mabizela’,From: South African History Online [online], Available at www.sahistory.org.za [Accessed: 15 February 2012]