26 February 1970
The Bantu Homelands Citizenship Bill is passed, whereby every African is issued with a certificate of citizenship of his respective 'homeland'. The homelands in question at that time were Transkei, Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, Gazankulu, Kwazulu, Lebowa, QuaQua, Swazi Homeland and Venda.   In 1974 the establishment of a tenth homeland, South Ndebele, was envisaged. Two years later (1976), the first homeland, Transkei, became “independent”. In 1975, before Transkei’s independence there was still about 1, 2 million ha due to the homelands in terms of the 1936 Act and other arrangements. After 1976 three black homelands were granted independence by the Republic of South Africa; Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei.

O’Malley P. ‘1970’, from Nelson Mandela Foundation, [online], Available at www.nelsonmandela.org,[Accessed: 01 February 2012]