Published date
6 February 1964
Rev. Robert Selby Taylor was born in the United Kingdom in 1909. His parents later sent him to New Zealand in the hope of broadening his experience. Taylor later trained for the priesthood and went on to do missionary work in Northern Rhodesia. He was consecrated Bishop of Northern Rhodesia in 1941, at the age of 32.
On 6 February 1964, Taylor was elected Archbishop of Cape Town. He would serve as archbishop for the next ten years. By the time he retired, Taylor had served as a Bishop for 50 years. In 1994, he was diagnosed with cancer and died the following year on 23 April 1995.
James C. Obituary: The Most Rev Robert Selby Taylor from The Independent [online] Available at: www.independent.co.uk [Accessed on 21 January 2014]|
Tengatenga J. (2010) The UMCA in Malawi: A History of the Anglican Church, 1861-2010. Kachere Series. Zomba, Malawi. Pp 333.