Published date
29 January 2000
In 2000, a 32 year old Egyptian housewife became the first woman to file for a divorce without having to prove physical or psychological abuse. Under Egypt’s Islamic law, Wafa Mosaad Gabr could not divorce her husband simply because she didn’t want to be married to him anymore. So, for four years she begged him to grant her a divorce and he refused. With the help of a Women’s Legal Aid Centre, Gabr was finally able to divorce her husband and become the first woman to do so on grounds of incompatibility.
The new law, which was approved by then President Hosni Mubarak, was welcomed by women’s rights activists who had campaigned for years to change the 1929 law allowing women to file for divorce only on grounds of physical or psychological abuse. Under the new law, a woman can file for divorce on grounds of incompatibility. However, she has to return the dowry that he paid for her and give up all financial rights. Women’s right s activists still feel that the latter part of the law still needs to be amended as it will be difficult for poor women to return dowry and relinquish all financial rights.
Eltahawy M. (2000) ‘Giving wives a way out New law eases divorce for Egyptian women’ from US News online world report (6 June 2000) Available at: [Accessed on 8 December 2011]|
BBC News ‘First Egyptian woman files for divorce’ from BBC News (29 January 2000) [online] Available at: [Accessed on 8 December 2011]|
The American Association for single people,(2000),Law makes Egyptian divorce easier,[online] Available at: [Accessed on 8 December 2011]