Published date
14 December 2002
A ferry carrying close to 200 passengers capsized in Robersport, Liberia on 14 December 2002. The passengers were returning from the funeral of a well-known local footballer when tragedy struck. Only 15 survivors were pulled out from the water, including the ferry’s captain.
It is believed that the cause of the accident could be attributed to two reasons: The ferry was designed to carry less than a hundred people and yet it carried twice that number. It was reported that the ferry’s outboard motor, which powers it, had not been working properly by the captain. But he was ordered to make the return trip from the funeral nonetheless.
Relief Web ,At least 60 drown as Liberian boat capsizes [online] Available at: www.reliefweb.int [Accessed on 26November 2013]|
dailymail,'Boat capsizes' , [online] Available at:www.dailymail.co.uk,[Accessed on 26November 2013]