- 1768
- Industrial Revolution: Hargreaves perfects his spinning jenny.
- 1769
- Industrial Revolution: Watt develops the modern steam engine.
- 1779
- Industrial Revolution: Crompton invents the spinning mule.
- 1785
- Industrial Revolution: Cartwright invents the power loom.
- 1789-1799
- The French Revolution.
- 1799
- Napoleon takes over control of France.
- 1815
- Battle of Waterloo: Napoleon defeated by England and Prussia.
- 1814-1815
- Congress of Vienna.
- 1820
- Revolution in Spain.
- 1820
- Revolution in Italy.
- 1821
- Revolution in Greece.
- 1825
- Uprisings in Russia.
- 1830
- Industrial Revolution: First railroad, in Britain.
- 1830
- Revolution in France.
- 1831
- Revolution in Poland.
- 1832
- British Reform Bill expands British voting rights.
- 1848
- The year of revolutions: France; Germany; Austria; Italy.